Farmer feigns sadness and his cows immediately run to console him: the animated video goes viral

    Farmer feigns sadness and his cows immediately run to console him: the animated video goes viral

    Nothing attracts more followers than a sweet animal that makes funny situations or shows affection for its owner. This time it was Christian Buchholz who did the entire web show The love of his four friends. The young Brazilian, who lives in a rural area of ​​Paraná, is a veterinary student and decided to conduct an experiment, sharing the result on TikTok.

    In the video, Bucholz can be seen sitting on the ground, feigning distress and inconsolation. Within a few minutes his dogs joined the young man, that began to swirl around him. After that, an even more amazing thing happened: I would run to the master in tears his cows Which, one after another, surrounding Christians, began Place the muzzle over his shoulder and rub it.

    “I didn’t think they would be so thoughtful,” the young man wrote in the caption. A scene that touched the hearts of many users who commented in droves on the video: “Humans don’t deserve animals. So pure and helpless, yet full of love and compassion at the same time,” one user wrote. “I will keep this video forever in my heartsomeone else writes.

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