A very serious problem Samsung is facing with its smartphone batteries. Especially after the latest testimonials issued on YouTube. The company’s response was not long
It has been one of the most talked about topics in recent weeks. According to what was shown and explained by many YouTubers on the Google platform, many branded smartphones Samsung You will be seriously affected battery problem.
In particular, it can represent forms that have been set aside and have not been uploaded for some time It is dangerous for users. Specifically, months after the last recharge Batteries may swell due to gas formation. Then, when it reaches the limit level, the cells risk exploding and causing a fire.
Battery problem with Samsung, the company’s response
You also have one at home Samsung smartphone Which you no longer use and haven’t downloaded for a long time? Be very careful, because you can risk a lot in case of excessive swelling of the cells. If you want to fix it, there is a procedure that should not be done for any reason: Charge the phone. The latter does not even need to be disassembled to remove the battery. It would be good to put it in a fireproof bag. Or if the device is relatively new, you can try to contact the company for a possible exchange.
Meanwhile, the company’s response to the matter has arrived. he was not there real attitude Around. It was the support team that stepped in, though, gave fairly general answers and went on to pull the phone in question. The South Korean giant seems to be working on understanding How to solve it all, but so far there is no definitive solution. We hope that the answer to the problems will come quickly, because the consequences can be very serious.
Especially if a fire broke out in the home of users who own old Samsung devices. In this case, the company will have to deal with much heavier problems, Which can also end in court. We’ll see if the reassuring news arrives in the next few weeks or if we even have to wait before we get an answer. while, Catch Keep old phones away from your homes.