Home entertainment Exhibitors in the field – focus on the economy

Exhibitors in the field – focus on the economy


The message of the exhibitors in Piazza San Silvestro, central Rome, is “Silent, Peaceful, but Assertive”. The event, called by Fipe-Confcommercio, is taking place inside an enclosed perimeter, with the theater at a corner of the square, under police supervision. Models wear white T-shirts with the inscription #vogliamounadata. They are asking the government for a roadmap to reopen their activities. In the square there are the owners of bars and restaurants, but also the world of restaurants and banquets, pauses for months in the absence of weddings and events, restaurants, discos, companies with a view of the sea and business entertainment.

Waiting for a new deviation and Def
The Sostegni bis decree, which will be funded with the next deviation of around 40 billion, will contain new non-refundable humidors for two months, while the contribution for the first month is fixed in one month. This is what has been learned from various government sources. Meetings related to the Defense launch and additional deficit request are ongoing and the Cabinet has not been called yet, and tentatively should take place tomorrow. The picture gets more complex than usual, because the maximum deviation is also intertwined with the launch of the Def (which must be presented and voted on by Parliament next week) and the drafting of the recovery plan (which must be submitted to the European Commission by April 30th).
The new skew will also create a dedicated multi-year fund for businesses excluded from Pnrr which will parallel that: a dowry of 4-5 billion annually starting in 2022 for a six-year term and the first loan, possibly from a smaller entity, is assumed already in 2021. The fund’s branching swings Currently between 20 and 30 billion.

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Kiara Ferragni on the Board of Directors of Todd
Tod’s shares continue to show a strong increase, which today posted up to + 8% at € 35.6 per share in Piazza Avari. The title has been in the spotlight since the announcement, on April 9, of Chiara Ferragni’s entry into the boardroom. Group shares recovered 24%: a three-day rally that led stocks to break the psychological threshold of € 30. It raised the capitalization to 1.16 billion euros.

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After news of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine suspension in the US, we assessed the situation overseas.

Guests: Roberto Calogi, General Manager of Fipe, Gianni Trovati, Il Sole 24 Ore, Giulia Crivelli, Il Sole 24 Ore, Marco Valsania, Il Sole 24 Ore

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