Established the “Franco Pellegrini” Foundation that will support scientific research in medicine – Telestense

    Established the

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    The creation of the “Franco Pellegrini” Foundation has been formalized in recent days: the body, which will be registered in the RUNTS (Individual Registry of Third Sector Bodies), will be located in Ociobello in the nursing offices “Santa Maria Maddalena” and will be intended to promote scientific research in the fields of general surgery, general medicine, orthopedics, pain medicine and neurosurgery, as well as funding undergraduate and postgraduate training in medical sciences.

    The new foundation will be led by Professor Franco Pellegrini, the current president of the nursing home, who will be assisted by a board of directors formed by Adele Pellegrini and Maddalena Pellegrini. “This adds a new piece to the history of my family – explains Franco Pellegrini – who have always had medicine in their DNA, having now reached the seventh generation of doctors and professionals in the healthcare world.

    We are already planning for the next year to fund a postgraduate scholarship and to publish various scientific contributions resulting from the daily and qualified medical activity carried out by the nursing home.” The operational scope of the “Franco Pellegrini” will not be limited to the regions of Rovigo and Ferrara, and the initial financial endowment will then be carried out with Allocate 5 per thousand to entities dealing with socially relevant activities.

    “Having recently celebrated the 70th birthday of the Santa Maria Maddalena Nursing Home, founded by my father Francesco, and recently inaugurating the new wing of the structure, which includes physiotherapy departments, an operating complex with two additional rooms and a new recovery area – concludes Franco Pellegrini – we have given life to this new reality: in The coming weeks we will proceed to appoint a high-level scientific committee to start initiatives and projects as soon as possible for research and training.”

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