Escape room, new rules for interactive entertainment activities in Greece

    escape room

    Greece yesterday reported to the European Commission a draft technical standard regulating specific issues related to the operation of entertainment areas and interactive entertainment businesses, in particular the adoption of escape rooms aimed at the safety of the user/players and the staff of the organizing companies.
    The provisions apply to all entertainment areas and establishments engaged in providing interactive entertainment services.

    In this way, Greece intends to address the risks of accidents that could occur in the aforementioned recreational activity areas with possible victims among minors, as well as complaints that have been submitted to the General Secretariat of Trade, which it has examined, for the time being. Not having a standard technology for security and control as well as an authorization framework is very difficult and time consuming.

    The technical base is a necessary condition for completing the institutionalization of the licensing procedure for these activities.

    Any new license after the transitional period must be based on its conformity with the technical specifications, safety and control rules contained in this technical regulation.

    The need for rapid implementation of all legislative interventions – technical regulations and licensing framework – requires the urgent action of technical regulations, which forms the first part of this initiative.

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