Home science Electronic health record no deadline for entering data – Corriere.it

Electronic health record no deadline for entering data – Corriere.it

Electronic health record no deadline for entering data - Corriere.it

When we talk about the harmful effects of inaccurate or disturbing news: those that circulate online on the alleged deadlines to express any opposition to the inclusion of personal data in Electronic Health Record (ESF) They are issuing thousands of reports and objection requests to ESF update that have reached guarantor to protect personal data. Despite the clarification that “this deadline does not exist and lacks any legal basis.” The authority immediately circulated it, the “omelette”, as they say, is done and the flow of requests does not stop.

Reconstruct the facts

Let’s try to reconstruct the facts. And the news spread on the net after that Liguria region , The reason and on the basis of the account is not known (but the relevant page has been removed from the institution’s website), Missed deadline January 11, 2021 Through which their citizens must communicate with their fellow citizens Potential opposition to inclusion in the ESF of data relating to health services received, in the public or private spheres, prior to May 2020. Hence the confusion and the immediate clarification indicated by the guarantor, given the highly sensitive data involved. The commission first explains the starting point for the question: “The legislation that was recently introduced (art. 11 the “restart” decreeIt states that, as of May 2020, Regardless of any semblance of citizen consent, data for all health services used are automatically integrated into the electronic health record. It is clearly limited to regions that have already activated ESF. In this regard, however, once again regarding the news that has circulated in recent days, the guarantor specifies that, in any case, even after this automatic supply of the ESF, Citizens’ health data will not be accessible to health workers in the absence of specific consent from the individual citizen».

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Clarification to the Ministry of Health

Second, the guarantor reiterates that he has taken measures to protect the right of every Italian citizen to receive sufficient information on the matter and sufficient time to express his will: “Concerning, however,Feed the file with all the data related to the health services implemented before May 2020, Guarantor, by a warrant dated December 15, 2020, Select to the Ministry of Health That access to the electronic health record was only possible under three conditions: a) Carried out an appropriate national media campaign; B) After he promptly informs the citizens of the concerned regions of the news of feeding the file; C) Granting the latter, from the moment he was informed, a period of at least 30 days to express his potential opposition».

Communication is not necessary

In conclusion, a lot of ado about nothing. Because the authority determines “at the present time, and therefore, in light of the above, none of these conditions has occurred, to‘I amSending correspondence to individual regional administrations or to the guarantor, in which the opposition of the above-mentioned population is represented, is not necessary.».

Jan 21, 2021 (Change Jan 21, 2021 | 17:09)

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