Elden Ring, 100 players will get the title of Elden Lord or Lady in the UK – Nerd4.life

    Elden Ring, 100 players will get the title of Elden Lord or Lady in the UK - Nerd4.life

    elden ring We’ll see 100 players The British receive the official title of Elden Lord or Elden Lady Thanks to an initiative of Bandai Namco UK in collaboration with Highland Titles.

    While expectations are growing for Elden Ring reviews, which will be published today starting at 16.00, the publisher has decided to take advantage of FromSoftware’s dark fantasy setting to give life competition Certainly different than usual.

    Obviously, the title of Elden Lord or Elden Lady would not have the same value as a hereditary title, but it could be used on legal documents And people who have had it appear to have experienced a whole host of benefits in everyday life, from first-class upgrades to preferential treatment.

    Elden Ring Testimony of Elden Lord or Lady
    Elden Ring Testimony of Elden Lord or Lady

    That’s not all: the contest winners will also get the right to own a file piece of ground Ranging in size up to 9 square metres, they are located in the Highland Titles Nature Reserve near Glencoe, Scotland.

    To participate in the initiative, you must necessarily reside in the UK or Ireland and be over 16 years old. What you need to do is send a message to [email protected] from February 25 to March 11 and explain why you deserve the title of Eldenlord.

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