Home science Don’t bring these 10 contaminated products to the table according to Coldiretti

Don’t bring these 10 contaminated products to the table according to Coldiretti

Don't bring these 10 contaminated products to the table according to Coldiretti

The Healthcare It goes through some simple, albeit basic, rules. The three main points are: exercise, avoid frequent stress and pay attention to a healthy diet. However, at times, it may happen to bring potentially harmful products upon closer examination. This is what emerged from the hadith Coldrite List, Which lists a series of foods that are particularly harmful to health because they contain chemical residues and pollutants. This list is based on recent reports issued by the European Food Safety Agency. Basically, consuming the foods in question, especially if it has been for a long time, can cause severe damage to health. Let’s see what these foods are, and also try to explain why you shouldn’t bring these 10 products to the table, according to Coldiretti.

No blacklist

The list of the ten most harmful foods, because they are contaminated, primarily sees chili peppers imported from India and the Dominican Republic. In fact, 20% of samples of this product resulted in irregularity, with chemical residues above permissible limits. Next, we find goji berries (with 13% of the samples irregular), from China, and in third place rice from Pakistan (12.5%).


For the remaining foods on the menu, the percentages of samples found to be out of standard all are under 10%. However, these are values ​​that are well above the permissible limits and are not good for health at all. In particular, scrolling through the list, we find pomegranate from Turkey (9.1%), tea imported from China (8.3%), okra from India (6.7%). This last vegetable is very similar to our zucchini.

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In seventh place we have dragon fruit imported from Indonesia (6.7%) and in eighth place we have Brazilian beans (6%). Finally, in the ninth and tenth places are two products of Egyptian origin, which are sweet pepper (3.8%) and table olives (3.7%).

Don’t bring these 10 contaminated products to the table according to Coldiretti

In most of the samples analyzed, the presence of insecticides found that European and Italian standards are now banned for years. The European Court of Auditors has raised concerns about compliance with safety standards found in foods from outside the European Union. We remember, in fact, that community norms impose strict protocols for growing agricultural products. Standards that are not always respected by producers outside of society. This explains the urgent need to protect the consumer while providing the obligation to indicate the country of origin of the product. An ideal solution would be to enforce compliance with the same farming standards also with regard to food outside the European Union. But there is still a long way to go at this point. That’s why, in the meantime, it’s best not to bring these 10 tainted products to the table according to Coldiretti.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings for this article, which they can refer Who is the”)

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