Home Tech Cyberpunk 2077 developers have been filed for a class action

Cyberpunk 2077 developers have been filed for a class action

Cyberpunk 2077 developers have been filed for a class action

CD Projekt Red, the recently released Cyberpunk 2077 developer, is under a class action lawsuit filed on behalf of investors.

CD Projekt Red’s launch Cyberpunk 2077 It was plagued by a host of issues, most of which were related to video game performance on last generation consoles like PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. On top of the backlash from consumers, the developer is now also facing legal issues.

Rosen Law Firm, a New York-based company, has reportedly filed a lawsuit on behalf of investors, alleging a violation of the Federal Stock Act. The attorney stated that CD Projekt Red made false claims about the recently released video game. Specifically, the developer has failed to educate consumers that Cyberpunk 2077 is “virtually inoperable” on last-generation consoles. Class not yet approved.

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The lawsuit cites phone calls, one of which was held in January. In it, CD Projekt Red chairman and co-CEO Adam Kiciński explicitly assured investors that there were no issues with the latest release of Cyberpunk 2077, Arguing that only improvement is required. The amount CD Projekt Red is required to pay compensation has yet to be revealed.

In addition to group actions, CD Projekt Red currently faces many possibilities Lawsuits over Cyberpunk 2077, From both the United States and Poland. The developer has released a number of statements, apologizing for the video game and promising users of the last-generation console that future patches will help improve the experience. A correction has since been released But it clearly fails to address some of the game’s central issues.

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The problems caused many consumers to request refunds from retailers. GameStop and PlayStation Store are committed, with the latter going so far as to completely remove the game. CD Projekt Red previously suggested that it aims to take care of the issues and have fun in the game Return to the PlayStation Store. Despite the current situation, the Polish developer reported it Cyberpunk 2077 has been sold Over 13 million copies worldwide, not including restored games.

KiciÅ„ski previously admitted that the developer had neglected PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, saying: “After 3 delays, we, as the board of directors, have focused on releasing the game … We have downplayed the scale and complexity of the issues, and our neglect indicates the need for additional time to improve the game on consoles. The last generation core. It was a wrong approach and contrary to our business philosophy. Moreover, during the campaign, we displayed the game mostly on computers. “

Developed by CD Projekt Red, Cyberpunk 2077 Available now on Xbox One, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X | S, Google Stadia, and PC.

Source: ribbed

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