Home Economy Critical steps to avoid “theft” on the current account

Critical steps to avoid “theft” on the current account

Critical steps to avoid

Over the course of a year, costs have risen in Bank account. Only for home banking, according to the portal Other consumption, there is talk of increases of about 11-15%. Many people noticed an increase in spending on performing online operations and counter-operations on their accounts: this naturally affected the degree of satisfaction. To try to reduce costs as much as possible, however, there are some precautions that every account holder should keep in mind.

How do I save the account?

First of all, it is necessary for you to be aware of how many transactions we are doing on your account and what we are doing. It is important that you always read a file Expense summary The reference bank sends it regularly every year, in order to know its movements on the account and to see the costs related thereto.

Another valuable tip is to always try to withdraw money from it ATM counter from your bank, in order to avoid commission costs. To try to reduce costs further, you can also choose to resort to home banking operations as much as possible, which despite the increases remains a cheaper solution than the counter.

It is wrong to leave a lot of money in your account (there is a risk of stamp duty), but the opposite is also wrong. The Overdraft Electricity has high prices: if it often happens that the debit amount exceeds the value of the credits, it will be better to ask for a line of credit from your bank.

Needless to say, the choice of credit institution has some significance as well. It is a good idea to rely on the cheapest bank for our needs. You can order one Credit cardOr a real estate loan or a loan without the need to open an account with the bank.

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Finally, communications from your bank should always be checked and verified. In the event of unfavorable changes to the initial conditions, you can always close the account within 60 days under the old conditions and look for another bank.


Tanti i costs loaded to the current account. Some are fixed, such as monthly fees, securities account management expenses and interest settlement, while others are variable and relate to the operations of the client. Then there are the expenses in the case of the red account, the flat stamp duty of €34.20 on average shares over €5,000 and the withholding tax of 26% in the case of interest.

As I mentioned Other consumptionRecently, increases have affected online operations, with increases ranging from 11 to 15%. Currently, according to a survey, customers prefer “alternative” banks such as N26, Fineco, Widiba, Mediolanum, Fideuram and Banca Popolare Etica, often without branches but transparent and excellent for home banking.

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