Immunologist Sergio Abrignani supports the requirement to get a vaccine against the Covid virus
“Infections among young children continue to grow because many of them, unlike adults, are not immunized. This should make clear that a file Serum Indispensable to everyone. the I’ll make it mandatory. Only in this way will Covid become like the flu this winter.” So in an interview with the Journal of Immunology Sergio Abrignani, professor of general pathology at Milan State University and a member of the CTS, supports compulsory vaccination against the coronavirus.
He says: “In fifteen months – he says – we have had 128,000 deaths. 10 points of GDP have been destroyed. And are we still arguing? Faced with these numbers, you can’t be called for a vaccine.” It must be done“.
By October, 75/80% of the population will likely be vaccinated. But now it makes no sense to talk about it herd immunity In which 20/25% of the delta variant becomes infected even if they are vaccinated. The goal, he explained, is to mitigate the risks so that people who do not have antibodies avoid contact with the virus.”
According to Aberniani, the vaccine should also be given children Because, he recalls, “in the range 0 to 17 there were about 30 deaths and hundreds of children ended up in intensive care.”
Added to this is the fact that children and adolescents “are the best carriers of infection: they live in a community, travel by public transport, and play team sports. Since in many cases they are asymptomatic, they can easily spread the virus undetected.”
“Also, the more infected, the greater the risk of contracting it dangerous variables. Delta is four times more contagious than the original SARS-CoV-2. If we want to contain this virus we must vaccinate adolescents, and thus children and infants.”
In the UK, Covid’s classification has been downgraded to influenza thanks to vaccinations: “The British are two months ahead. There are very few hospitalizations in intensive care and delta deaths among vaccinators.”
“When we covered 80% of the population – he notes – Covid can also be considered in Italy as a type of influenza. There The epidemic will become an endemic epidemic, but only when we have also vaccinated the rest of the world.”
Virgil News | 08-17-2021 12:34
Image source: ANSA
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