Covid: The United States, the school that does not require vaccinations, urges teachers not to be vaccinated

    Covid: The United States, the school that does not require vaccinations, urges teachers not to be vaccinated

    Covid-19 killed nearly 573,000 people in United States of America, The world record of victims of the epidemic.

    But there are still few skeptics or no shell companies in the United States. In Florida, a private school (Centner Academy) asks inoculated teachers not to contact students.
    Against all scientific evidence, the school administration argues that teachers are a risk to pupils’ health.

    School no Vax case in the United States

    In an email addressed to parents on Monday, Laila Sentner, the school’s co-founder, wrote that vaccinated people “may transmit something” that could harm others, particularly “the reproductive systems, fertility, normal growth and development of women and children.”
    The school has urged teachers and staff, who have not yet been vaccinated, to wait until the end of the school year to do so.

    Health regulators in the United States and the World Health Organization have noted that the three emergency vaccines used in the United States are safe and effective.

    The United States has so far provided more than 232 million doses of the vaccine, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

    New Covid-19 cases are down, again according to CDC numbers, by an average of seven days of 55,000 new cases per day, compared to an average of nearly 69,000 daily cases recorded 10 days ago.

    Nearly a third of all people living in the country are now fully vaccinated against Covid-19.

    Reducing the necessity of wearing masks

    With more than 95 million Americans vaccinated against Covid-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announces a relaxation of the obligation to wear face masks outdoors, unless you are in a crowded environment.

    “If you get vaccinated, you can do more things, in a safer way, both outdoors and indoors – says President Joe Biden – so, for those who haven’t been vaccinated yet, especially if they’re younger or people they think they don’t.” You need it, that’s another good reason to get vaccinated. Now. “

    Until now, everyone had to wear masks as well outside, in case the 6-foot (182 cm) distance could not be respected.
    For those who have received the vaccine, moving forward with moments of joy with small groups of friends or relatives: a small step towards a kind of normality.

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