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Covid testimonials from outside Europe • The News Agenda

Covid testimonials from outside Europe • The News Agenda

ROME – FIPE-Confcommercio: news on the recognition of non-European Covid certificates. By decree of October 22, the Ministry of Health clarified that from October 26, 2021 until December 15 for the purposes of use stipulated in the DL “Reopening” (including access to premises and services / activities for which the Green Corridor is required):

  • Certificates related to vaccination / cure / rapid molecular antigen test and issued by the health authorities of Canada, Japan, Israel, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America recognized as equivalent to the Italian state certificates;
  • Treatment / vaccination certificates (the last validated by the EMA) issued by the competent authorities of the Vatican State and the Republic of San Marino are also considered equivalent to Italian certificates. However, with reference to the latter, as a result of current art. 6, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree No. 111/2020 amended by Law No. 133/2021, persons who have a SARS-Cov-2 vaccination certificate issued by the competent authorities of the Republic of San Marino are temporarily exempted – until the adoption of the decree of the Ministry of Health and no later than December 31 pv – from the application of the rules requiring the green corridor for access to workplaces and services and activities referred to in Art. 9 repeats from “Reopening”.

Recognized Vaccines

Furthermore, with reference to other non-European countries, with Circular No. 42957/2021 Last September 23, the Ministry of Health explicitly indicated that the vaccines provided by the competent foreign national health authorities should be recognized as equivalent; In particular, recognition was envisaged:

  • Vaccines for which the holder of a marketing authorization is the same as those in the European Union, which are expressly indicated in Appendix 1 of the same publication. Briefly, for each of the four EMA-recognized vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen and AstraZeneca), the countries in which it is administered are indicated, as well as the name of the vaccine and the authorized holder of marketing.
  • Other specific vaccines produced under license from AstraZeneca.
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in Europe

On the other hand, the perceived organization of European citizens has not changed: Art. 9, paragraph 8, first sentence of Legislative Decree No. 52/2021, the so-called “re-opening”, converted, with amendments, by Law No. 87/2021, certificates issued in EU Member States are expressly recognized as “equivalent to those issued by the Italian State” and valid “for the purposes stipulated in the same Decree, including those relating to access to premises and for catering services, carried out by any enterprise For consumption on the table indoors, contact FIPE-Confcommercio Regionale for more information.


FIPE, the Italian Federation of General Exercise, is the leading federation in the restaurant, leisure and tourism sector, with more than 300,000 companies operating. FIPE represents and assists bars, restaurants, pizzerias, ice cream parlors, pastry shops, discotheques and bathing establishments as well as group catering companies, large multilingual restaurant chains, food voucher companies, game rooms, station buffets, catering and banqueting companies. It has more than one million employees and an added value of 46 billion euros.


FIPE presents itself as the leading fabric complex for tourism, particularly catering and entertainment in Italy in its most diverse forms. The main objective is to spread knowledge of the activities of its members, the prominent role they play in the creation of the GDP of our country, the defense of the sector-typical “Made in Italy” and the sense of presence. throughout the national territory. FIPE acts as a spokesperson for the applications of entrepreneurs and represents them in institutions: hearings in parliamentary committees, interventions in working groups of government agencies and ministries, participation in ministerial round tables, support of national associations and individual companies. The aim of FIPE is to make the relationships with its partners and with the government structural and consolidate over the long term, and it presents itself as a feature of the union between these two primary stakeholders.

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LE . Membership

FIPE is a member of CONFCOMMERCIO – Imprese per l’Italia, the main organization in the tertiary sector and part of Confturismo where it represents the tourism sector together with other associations. Internationally, it is an important part of Hotrec, the European association of restaurants, bars, cafés and hotels. FIPE is also the promoter and signatory of the first national collective labor agreement for corporate employees in the public business, collective catering, commercial and tourism sectors, set forth in February 2018 with trade unions. Most Italians are representative.

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