Home entertainment Covid: Disco Puglia proposes to reopen exams in June – Puglia

Covid: Disco Puglia proposes to reopen exams in June – Puglia

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In the former Divinae Follie in Bisceglie, quick smears at the entrance

(ANSA) – Bari, May 4 – Bolian discos say they are ready to open safely and are requesting to be able to take an audition held in June at the former Divinae Follie di Bisceglie.

The initiative is by Roberto Magaletti, owner of Disco Df in Bisgli, who “after tests conducted in Amsterdam, Barcelona and Liverpool” suggests “trying to restart, following the complementary Covid-19 prevention protocol in dance and entertainment businesses to protect Silb workers, entrepreneurs and consumers.” and Movimento Impresa”. The goal is to “create coronavirus-free buildings that – he explains – protect workers and end-users. That way, on the heels of other European cities, we want to try to restart.”

The proposal for a test to be held in June at the disco in the north of Bari will be outlined in the Puglia entertainment technical schedule requested by the directors of entertainment venues. Testing includes “quick swabs for all customers, health facilities set up outside the building and able to carry out the latest generation of rapid swabs for customers before and after the event, online ticket purchase with reference to tracking data, doors open for those with a vaccination license, or negative certification using the express swab.” conducted no later than 36 hours prior to the event, and continuous disinfection of environments.” (handle).

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