Home Economy Covid: Confesercenti, peak consumption, -5 thousand euros per family – economy

Covid: Confesercenti, peak consumption, -5 thousand euros per family – economy

Australia: Barriera Corallina, รจ di nuovo boom riproduttivo - Oceania

Between pandemic and restrictions, In 2020, Italian spending decreased “by 123 billion euros, down by about 5,000 euros per household: the worst ever”.. The size of the “account” provided by Covid was determined by Confesercenti, which processes Istat data. The element that sees the bulk of consumption diminish is hotels and restaurants: in which spending has decreased by -43 billion euros, which is less by 120 million euros per day. But the “ distance economy ”, caused by the epidemic, burdens all expenditures related to socialization and movement, starting with transportation, which recorded the second decline in volume (-33 billion euros). Spending on leisure and culture has also decreased (-16.3 billion euros in 2020) and fashion: between telecommuting and downtime celebrations, Italians have reduced their consumption of clothes and shoes by -13.2 billion in 2020. Spending on health has also decreased (-2.3 billion). While investments in education are also declining (about a billion less), Confesercenti explains. Instead, the costs associated with staying at home increase. Starting with food: the unavailability of bars and restaurants, which are subject to restrictions for nearly half the year, led to an increase in the consumption of food products, in the range of +2.8 billion euros.

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