Covid, areas in stress, want a new green lane – Chronicle

    Australia: inondazioni, ragni coprono regione con ragnatele - Ultima Ora

    Review the rules starting with those in the green lane, taking stricter measures for non-vaccinators, and push out the third dose ASAP: Territories insist on the need to shift the pace in the fight against Covid and are asking for “very urgent thinking” with the government in light of the surge in cases.To save Christmas and avoid restrictions and closures provided for yellow or orange areas. A request that the government says it is ready to accept “soon”, possibly as early as Monday, even if the Palazzo Chigi line has not changed for the time being: the only measures on the table are Extending the commitment of the third dose of health cadres and reducing the duration of the green certificate, procedures that are expected to be discussed by the Council of Ministers at its meeting next Thursday.

    ‘Don’t use strategies to promote the green lane’ It means “opening the oven and making the souffle explode from the inside,” according to the Minister of Public Administration Renato Brunetta. “But one The reinforced green corridor should mainly affect the unvaccinatedPuritans who must be imprisoned and excluded from collective life and the economy: “I am committed to supporting this at Cdm. I will also do that by thinking of my own vineyard and my wine. “The soufflé raised is the GDP that, according to Brunetta, can be archived in 2021 as “+6, +6,2, +6,3, +6,4, +6.5%”, if the pandemic allows.

    Matteo Salvini opposes measures against non-vaccinators in Germany because “we must avoid closing for everyone. We must unite, and pacify, not swear, isolate, discriminate.” Thus the league leader in the recording of “Porta a porta,” broadcast tonight on Rai Uno. Smear negative, from over-vaccine without smear,” he added and sealed: “Draghi is right: the case Not on the agenda, we are not in the position of Austria and Germany because we have close to 90% coverage of the first doses.”

    Closure for lack of wrongdoing “Today is not the subject of a decision, there are conservatives who have proposed it, but the blueprint is that the scientific community should tell us what to do. We should move forward with vaccinations. It is not the duty of vaccinations, the topic is the third dose”, He said Luigi Di Maio It is reported that in Austria there are 65% of vaccinators, and in Italy 86%.

    No area at risk of yellowing from next week. “From the data, at the moment the situation is under control, there shouldn’t be changes. Those that are most at risk? There are some regions, like Friuli, Veneto, Marche, that have to be a bit cautious,” he told Ray. Radio1, guest of Un Giorno da Pecora, undersecretary of the Ministry of Health Andrea Costa, I interfered with the broadcast by Gibe Cuciari and Giorgio Lauro. “Yellow Zone, in terms of restrictions, only has the use of the mask outdoors.”

    “Currently there Alarming situation for ICU recruitment in FVG, above the 10% threshold, e Autonomous Province of Bolzano. The situation is also worrying in Veneto. In general, if the green lane rule is not strictly enforced and third doses are not encouraged, We can reach a tragic situation in a month and a half all over the country “. So said the president of the association of anesthesiologists of the hospital “ANSA” Alessandro Fergallo. “We ask that the duration of the green passport be 6 months, given the decline in the effectiveness of the vaccine after this period.”

    But conservatives are putting pressure on the government. “At a time when the infection is increasing It is important to initiate a discussion with the government quickly, within 72 hours. At the Conference of Regions, I requested that the division of the country into a yellow, orange or red zone apply only to the unvaccinated,” says the President of Liguria Giovanni Totti About the possibility of a new implementation of the Green Corridor. “90% of Italians cannot be kept under surveillance by the 10% who do not understand the importance of the vaccine. On the other hand, vaccinators will be able to continue to organize their life, work and social life.”

    “At this moment, a wait-and-see attitude cannot be maintained, but on the contrary, clear rules must be established to deal with this stage of the epidemic, protect the health of citizens and allow the economy to continue its growth after going through a serious crisis,” he says. Totti. “This is the moment when the Christmas holidays are planned and all the economic mechanisms that go around it, and above all we must give certainty to workers in all these sectors that the country will not be closed,” adds the Ligurian governor. Speaking at the regional conference, the President of Liguria also said: “The numbers tell us that 90% of the intensive care units are occupied by people who are not immunized. So it is, first and foremost, a matter of protecting people, as well as the resumption of the economy and hospital pressure.”

    The thinking between the Government and the Territories is “very urgent” about maintaining the rules currently in place, which have been adopted in the absence of the current percentage of people who have been vaccinated and about the green certification tool,” he said. He said Regions Conference President Massimiliano Fedriga Who asked the government to hold an urgent meeting. He adds that the goal is to secure the health system on the one hand, and economic activities on the other.

    “It is clear that the government is ready to put a table for discussion on the agenda soon,” the Minister of Regional Affairs explained. mariastella gilmini During the State and Territories Conference after the presidents requested an urgent meeting on the applicable rules and green corridor. Prime Minister Mario Draghi and Health Minister Roberto Speranza have both been informed of the request.

    On the other hand, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health Berpaolo Celeri Presumably in case of worsening lockdown situation for unvaccinated persons in the orange area. “Close to the unvaccinated? It’s not the strategy to be implemented with today’s numbers, and it can be assessed – in the case of passing through the orange zone,” he told Radio Cusano on the campus. “It’s not the strategy that will be implemented with today’s numbers – there are some areas in the country that might end up in the yellow zone, but that doesn’t include significant restrictions, so at the moment there is no reason to impose restrictions on non-vaccinators,” Sileri said. To remain on the table, like many other options, but the situation is under control.”

    Marche region president Francesco Accoroli thinks it’s not ‘helpful’ More restrictions on the unvaccinated or boosted green lane, “because even if infections start to resurface, we are at a different stage than last year” and also because “despite the first and second green lanes, we are not seeing a shocking increase in vaccinations.” Acquaroli told Sky Tg 24, just before the regional meeting that they should decide on further action. Actions that, according to the march’s governor, may create “other tensions and divisions between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.”

    The ordinary judge, not the administrative court, must decide the vaccination obligation for health workers. This is established by the judges of the Ligurian Court of Appeal who, due to lack of jurisdiction, rejected the appeal of more than 400 health professionals through Attorney Danielle Granara. There were three principles on which the appeals were based: uncertainty about “risks arising from administration of serum”, “trials with a time too short to be considered reliable” and “percentage of failure to produce immunity due to novel variants”, “illegitimacy of the hypothesis on health care workers.”

    In Sicily, the obligation was made to always carry the mask with you and also to wear it in all places especially crowded and open to the public.. This is what has been foreseen in a new decree by Nilo Musumesi district chief. These measures are in effect from today until December 31. Passengers from Germany and the UK will also have to go through screening at Sicilian ports and airports. Currently, the check is already given to those who have come in or passed in the last 14 days, from the USA, Malta, Portugal, Spain, France, Greece and the Netherlands.

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