Counter-terrorism police launch an investigation after uranium is discovered at Heathrow Airport

    Counter-terrorism police launch an investigation after uranium is discovered at Heathrow Airport

    British counter-terrorism police launched an investigation after a small amount of uranium was found and seized at Heathrow Airport during a routine inspection. According to local newspaper reports, the parcel containing uranium was discovered on December 29 on a passenger flight arriving from Oman. The package was reportedly from Pakistan and was destined for an Iranian company based in the UK. There are strict rules for dealing with uranium because it is a nuclear fuel that can be used in so-called “dirty bombs” designed to disperse radioactive material.

    The Chief Constable of London, Richard Smith, said there was no danger to the public following the discovery: ‘Although our investigation is still ongoing, from our findings so far the incident does not appear to be associated with any threats. directly. However, we will continue to pursue all available lines of investigation to ensure that this is indeed the case.”

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