Home Tech Confirmed the open world and new scenario, neither Rapture nor Columbia-Nerd4.life

Confirmed the open world and new scenario, neither Rapture nor Columbia-Nerd4.life

Confirmed the open world and new scenario, neither Rapture nor Columbia-Nerd4.life

Bioshock 4 Sarah open world And you’ll get one An unprecedented scenarioWhich means we will not go back to Rapture and Colombia, The iconic cities that were the backdrop for the first three episodes of the series.

The news, which appears to confirm in many ways Rumor Last December on the open world of BioShock 4, it comes in this case from some Job announcements Posted by the game development team, Cloud Chamber.

The studio is actually looking for AI programmer, UI / UX designer, tool programmer, great global designer, great technical designer and great writer. The latter will have to create narrative content that has a huge impact within, in fact, in an open world environment.

Senior writing will also have to coordinate with the developers responsible for designing major and minor tasks, and contribute to creating the central plot, including writing the dialogues and other narrative elements.

It is also possible to find clues in the advertisement regarding the AI ​​programmer, who will, for example, have to manage the population in the scenario and the “systematic tribal environment of an AI that is sometimes hostile”. Whatever its meaning.

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