Home Economy Color change: areas that really risk

Color change: areas that really risk

Color change: areas that really risk

The return of areas in the yellow zone due to COVID-19. The danger is there and it is strong even if it is not immediate. However, it cannot be excluded that at the end of August, when most Italians returned from summer vacation, the color of different regions of our country may change. This is no small issue. Moving to a higher danger zone means that residents of a particular area will again have to undergo restrictions and restrictions. A big problem even for companies trying to restart after tough months.

There are three operands that allow one Area To stay in the white zone: Positive less than 50 per 100,000 inhabitants, beds in intensive care occupy less than 10% and less than 15% in hospital wards.

Currently, the first evaluation criterion has been exceeded by up to 14 districts out of 20. Moreover, the number of people affected by the Covid virus has been increasing, albeit in a less sustainable way in the past two weeks. Fortunately, pressure on hospitals remains under control almost everywhere. The worst picture ever recorded Sardinia Two workers from the yellow zone have already been reached: 142 positive out of 100,000 residents and 11% of the household is in a state of resuscitation. but also in Sicily The situation is not easy: here the percentage of positives over the population is 104.5 while 13% of the beds in the medical field and 7% in intensive care are occupied.

Other areas are still far from the threshold values ​​but even here we can see the increasing stress on the hospital system. In Lazio, for example, the occupancy rate of beds in intensive care rose from 3.7 to 6% in one week, while in Liguria the same value rose from 2.8 to 7%. Other numbers to watch are those related to the incidence of positives in the population. Last week, Tuscany reached 119.7 positive out of 100,000 inhabitants (7 days before it was 94.5), Veneto at 94, the same value as Umbria, slightly higher than Emilia-Romagna, 93.

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Nationally, the curve of people affected by Covid-19 has slowed slightly. Based on the daily bulletin issued by Ministry of HealthThe new positives were 5,735, 1,167 fewer than the day before. Sicily was the region with the largest number of affected people with 822. In second and third place in this particularly unenviable ranking are Tuscany (665) and Emilia-Romagna (661). The positivity index rose from 2.3% on Saturday to 2.8% yesterday. However, it must be said that this data is affected by a decrease in the number of tests processed (203,511 versus 293,863 the day before). There was a slight increase in access to intensive care and regular wards: 299 patients were hospitalized in the first, 11 over two days, while 2,631 (+98) were hospitalized with symptoms in the medical district.

It is stabilizing, as the head of the Higher Institute of Health explained last Friday Silvio Brusaferro During the control room monitoring data analysis press conference, the value of the national RT compared to 1.57 last week stopped at 1.56. “Expect RT to fall at 1.23. Today we are at 1.56, but we are still increasing. So the number of cases is growing, albeit at a slower rate. So a lot of attention is needed,” Also select Brusaferro who confirmed this next “The curve in Italy is growing, and there is a sign of a slow recovery in the number of new cases: there is growth in many regions, even if the growth is more limited than in previous weeks, always in the 10-20 range which is the worst affected and there are almost 5 Thousands of municipalities have at least one case.”

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