“Today, startups registered in the Mise business registry section now settle steadily at over 12 thousand. In fact, as of April 1, 2021, there were 12,561, 3.4% of all newly established joint stock companies.” Angelo Coletta, President of InnovUp, said this in an interview with Adnkronos / Labitalia. Born from the Italia Startup and Apsti consortium, the association represents the Italian ecosystem for innovation that brings together startups, innovative SMEs, innovation centers, science and technology parks, incubators, accelerators, enablers, investors, professional firms and companies.
The innovative startups, according to the latest Mise data available as of December 31, 2019, employ a total workforce of 61,529 units: 16,701 employees and 44,828 members. “Compared to 54,758 people participating on December 31, 2018 – indicates – there is an increase of 12.4% (+6,771 units). Innovative startups employing at least one employee are 4,569,41.9% of the total registered population. On average, startups employ around 3.7 people each. ”
“About 75% of startups – he explains – deal with business services. 37% are involved in software production and consulting in information technology, 14% in scientific research and development, and 9% in activities related to information services.
“Another 17% – he adds – deal with services related to the manufacturing world (manufacturing machinery and equipment or related computers / electronics) and about 3% are business deals.” In its report issued at the end of 2020, the Ministry of Economic Development calculated that since the creation of the special section in the Mise Business Register (in the first months of 2013), only 9% of all registered startups have ceased to operate, and hence, the survival rate of startups Innovative is very high.
“In detail – he confirms – it appears that less than 5% of startups established in 2017 have ceased operations after two years. The mortality rate rises to about 15% for startups that have been established for at least five years, and reaches more than 20%. For companies with at least seven years of activity behind them. ”
“It follows – he explains – that more than 80% of the innovative companies that were established before 2013 (which lost the innovative emerging company status due to the minimum age at least two years ago) are still in the state of activity.”
Coletta warns that the creativity of startups has definitely not stopped with the arrival of the pandemic. By their nature, startups are small and very flexible companies: if this condition on the one hand leads to greater difficulties in terms of liquidity and cash flow, on the other hand it has allowed for rapid updates to business models, which ensured the stability of the sector.
“To face the health and economic emergencies resulting from the Coronavirus – he recalls – the InnovUp association invited innovative Italian companies capable of providing” digital “solutions in both the emergency phase (March 2020) and in the restart (from September 2020). More than 150 Italian start-ups, small, medium and innovative companies activate and exchange 360-degree solutions in the digital field, capable of providing services such as remote group communication, entertainment for pre-school children or via the medical / psychological Internet. Consulting and artificial intelligence solutions for financial and document management For companies, providing meals or medicines intended for the most vulnerable, etc. ”
“Even in terms of the funding raised – there was no breakdown. According to Politecnico di Milano, Italian high-tech startups in 2020 raised 683 million euros, about 11 million less than they raised in 2019. This is a limited drop. It is very specific when compared to the peculiarity of the historical period. ”
“This opens – says Coletta – the opportunity for this government and our country as a whole to act as an engine in the innovation ecosystem, exploiting the framework proposed by the next generation of the European Union and the resources available thanks to the recovery plan.”
“ The role of the public actor – as he suggests – in promoting innovation cannot be limited to the infrastructure stage, but must try to be as categorical as possible in terms of strategy, research and accreditation, indicating the development path that mobilizes and directs investments, defining strategic areas and strengthening partnerships. With the major global players. ” For the President of InnovUp, “It is therefore necessary to focus on the culture of innovation, with a series of reforms and aggressive and targeted measures, which are not intended to favor a narrow niche in the country but are the real engine for that. Before those who are already part of this ecosystem and see the potential in this sector to relaunch the future of Italy. ”
“As an association – it continues – we work daily, as well as with start-ups, start-ups, incubators and associated accelerators, specifically with institutions and professional associations with the aim of promoting cases of distinction and removing regulatory obstacles, to reach the best possible context for starting new business initiatives in our country.”
“The backward position – as he recalls – in which Italy currently finds itself when comparing more developed ecosystems (such as the United States, Israel, France and the United Kingdom) undoubtedly gives us the advantage of observing our European and global partners, to reach them. And benefit from their experiences and improve their models.”
“Nevertheless – Coletta admits – experience and studies document how most of the resistance in following the path of innovation is in particular of a cultural nature. Unfortunately, the wise attitude towards change has not met and does not receive a sufficient push against the trend from our institutions as it has happened, for example, In the last case related to the State Council ruling that eliminated the possibility of innovative startups, to establish themselves through a completely digital process. ”
Source: AdnKronos