China, not many cases of Covid have occurred since the height of Wuhan. A city with a population of 9 million is closed – the world

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    The situation in China is worrying, as the numbers of infections with the Covid-19 virus have not seen any emergence since the beginning of the epidemic, as 1,100 new internal infections were reported today, and for the first time with four numbers since the peak in Wuhan. Changchun, the capital of China’s Jilin province of 9 million, has been placed on lockdown in an effort to contain the new wave of cases. According to Chinese media reports, when announcing the start of mass testing, local authorities ordered residents to work from home and allow one person from each household to go out every two days to buy essential goods.

    Today, the National Health Committee reported that 555 new infections were discovered Thursday in the country, of which 397 are local and 158 are imported. The National Health Commission has announced that China will introduce a rapid antigen test for the first time since the outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic, to counter the rapidly spreading Omicron variant despite the ‘zero tolerance’ policy. Rapid tests are widely used in the rest of the world, and have been limited in China. The kits will now be available to private citizens and clinics.

    “The epidemiological situation in Germany is much worse than the mood. We cannot say that we are happy with the situation,” German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach said at a press conference in Berlin.

    “I always read again that the Omicron variant is a mild type, but this is only partially wrong or true. There are 250 victims a day in Germany. In a few weeks, more patients will die.” The minister and experts at the Robert Koch Institute fear the possibility of a severe strain on the national health system once again.

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