Claire Feragny He shared some photos on Instagram when he was younger, when he was still in the beginning of his illustrious career in the web world. Shots where you smile naively but with a look of someone who already knows it will make all the difference. there Fedex wife She was the first Italian fashion blogger and influencer, able to establish herself internationally with her talent.
Chiara Ferragni and the demand of the fans
“Kiara 2013-2016 Who has been following me already?”Ferry asked her followers. In fact, its beginnings go back a few years earlier, until 2009, when open with Ex-boyfriend Riccardo Pozzoli, fashion blogger The Blonde Salad. The response of the masses was not long in coming: “The sacrifices previously made are not seen but with these images we can appreciate the simplicity with which it all began.”one person wrote while another repeated: “I’ve always been a role model. I was there when The Blonde Salad was born.”
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