Home entertainment Che tempo che fa: Guests Susan Sarandon and Ricardo Scamarcio tonight on...

Che tempo che fa: Guests Susan Sarandon and Ricardo Scamarcio tonight on Rai3

Che tempo che fa: Guests Susan Sarandon and Ricardo Scamarcio tonight on Rai3

Che tempo che fa returns tonight on Rai3 from 20:00 with a new episode with many guests, including Susan Sarandon, Ricardo Scamarcio and Giorgio Panarrello.



Marica Lancelotti


Tonight on Rai3From 20:00 in the afternoon what’s the weather like. Current affairs, entertainment, in-depth analysis of Fabio Fazio’s program with Luciana Letizito, Philippa Lagerbach, Enrico Brignano, Mago Forest, Nino Frasica, Gigi Marzullo, Allie and Franz, and an in-depth event space sponsored by Roberto Saviano.

The Hollywood star is dedicated exclusively to Italian television Susan Sarandon, Academy Award for Best Actress for Dead Man Walking, winner of the Bafta Award for agent and immortal cult heroine, Thelma & Louise, which this year celebrates its 30th anniversary.
Also known for her social commitment and battles, she has been arrested several times on charges of civil disobedience, most recently in 2018 during an unauthorized protest against Donald Trump and the immigration policies of the US government.

Others Guests The ring will be the Extraordinary Commissioner for Health Emergencies, Domenico Arcuri; Francesca Levi Schafer, Professor of Immunopharmacology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) and a member of the Israeli Ministry of Health Committee; Roberto Burioni. still: Giorgio Panariello and Marco Giallini Heroes of a variety in four episodes He is worse than me, From Thursday February 4 at Rai3; Ricardo ScamarcioActor, co-writer and co-producer of “The Last Heaven”, directed by Rocco Ricciardole; Concita de Gregorio Director de printing Massimo Giannini Ferruccio de Bortoli Antonio de Bella United States correspondent for Rai. Marco Farfellow, RAI Correspondent from UK; Sergio Pini, correspondent for Alrai from Russia; Donato Bendicente, Belgium’s Alrai correspondent.

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To close the evening, Che Tempo Che Fa – table with Mago Forest, Nino Frassica and Gigi Marzullo; Guests Aurita BertieFrancesco Paulantoni; Manager TV smiles and songs Aldo Vitale.

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