Central Television for Italian Tourism

    Central Television for Italian Tourism

    The audiovisual sector asserts itself as an important lever for Italian tourism. This is confirmed by the third edition of the survey Communication, media and tourismMade by Center for Research in Television and Audiovisual Aids (CeRTA) and Cattolicato tourismIn association with Publitalia ’80.

    Media, both digital and traditional, are a determining factor in the attractiveness of areas and in the perception of the sustainability of places: 51% of the interviewees confirmed in fact that products such as films, series, documentaries and advertising are the main channels through which the image of Italy is built as an attractive destination for the tripthus generating the desire to reach it and thus work (the journey itself).

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    In particular, software not written (programs and features of information, entertainment, publishing, documentaries, etc.) make up the overall genre that looks better than others capable of conveying concepts and contents related to the sustainability of areas (this topic, increasingly for tourists), therefore, it is particularly effective in communicating Aspects that are becoming increasingly crucial in travel choices.

    68% cited digital content as a reference and 66% classic media.

    Italy in the audiovisual world

    Italy and its territories stand out as an ideal location for various productions and as a place that stimulates a great penchant for ‘discovery’. For Americans, the content with Italy at the center stimulates particularly high levels of curiosity and desire to travel, particularly with regard to regions such as Lombardy and the Po Valley in the film. Call me by your nameTuscany series Succession Or Sicily from two other novels like Inspector Montalbano (exported to dozens of countries around the world) or the second season of white lotus (Which generated a lot of interest in Sicily in the United States, but also in all countries where the series is in circulation).

    “Although Italy tops the ranking of the most attractive destinations for international tourists, it can achieve superior results if connectivity improves this dimension of ‘local sustainability’ linked to its artistic and cultural heritage,” the investigation asserts.

    © CERTA

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