Home World Cats abandoned on a sinking ship, a marine takes them to safety...

Cats abandoned on a sinking ship, a marine takes them to safety by swimming Corriere.it

Cats abandoned on a sinking ship, a marine takes them to safety by swimming Corriere.it

The crew left the sinking ship. And they are, Four red cats CIt is AHOn the cargo ship, they were left alone in the middle of the sea. Happened in Thailand and fortunately the story of these four cats with a happy ending.

The cargo ship in which these four cats were, after a fire on board, was sinking in the Andaman Sea, in the Indian Ocean. The crew reached safety, but did not think about the four of them, I was left alone on the sinking boat. Thankfully, the Marines, tasked with checking for a fuel leak, noticed their presence and decided they definitely couldn’t leave them there.

“I zoomed in on the boat with my camera and saw the heads of two or three kittens,” Nikoy Wichit Buckdillon told Reuters. And so on He literally took them on his shoulderOne by one, he was swimming, clinging to a life jacket, saving them one by one. The four cats are in great shape and now the army takes care of them themselves. The Thai Navy itself praised the army’s gesture, and posted on Facebook pictures of what happened, and commented: The Navy celebrates this soldier for saving the four cats. Because every life is precious.

March 5, 2021 (March 5 change, 2021 | 3:55 PM)

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