No peace to faithful Americans who love the so-called Latin Mass. After the diocese of Chicago and Savannah, in fact, severely restrictive rules were also issued in Washington that will come into effect from September 21 onwards. Last Friday Archbishop Wilton Gregorymade of cardinal Pope Francesco In 2020, A . published A message to the priests Terms of implementation guidelines keepers of tradition, The Moto feature It came into effect about a year ago. With this document, Francis restricted the editing of the Roman Missal published by John XXIII in 1962 as wanted by his predecessor Benedict XVI. Summorum pontificum from 2007.
Shepherds of tradition provided that “The diocesan bishop, as superintendent, promoter and custodian of the whole liturgical life in the particular church entrusted to him, has the responsibility to organize the liturgical celebrations in his diocese.Thus, Cardinal Gregory ordered that the observance of the Roman rites be relegated exceptionally to three non-diocesan churches and only on Sundays. Moreover, by order of the archbishop, the Eucharist will be the only sacrament that can be celebrated. According to the Roman Bible of 1961. Therefore, no more baptisms and weddings in an unusual form, just as Christmas and Easter masses will no longer be allowed.
This iron fist seemed designed to make things like the one at the Church of St. Mary the Theotokos in Chinatown disappear in the 1970s and be renewed when one of America’s first Christian communities found hospitable hospitality there. Tridentine mass lovers. Now, however, the Only celebrations are allowed On Sundays they will be at a Franciscan Convent in Washington and two churches in suburban Maryland. A decision with inevitable consequences for the approximately 1,200 believers who attended these services each week in the diocese.
The appeals addressed to Gregory by groups of believers, by the altar lads were not sufficient, not even the calls of a woman who, during a synodal hearing, had appealed to the archbishop with these words: “I just buried my husband two days ago, please don’t let me lose my flock” A message to priests and believersthe American Cardinal used the words honey for the societies that prospered in the wake of the issuance of Summorum pontificum saying that”Most of the faithful who participate in these liturgical celebrations in the Diocese of Washington are sincere and full of faith and goodwill. Likewise, most priests who celebrate these liturgies do their best to meet the needs of the faithful pastorally.“However, this recognition did not make him stop deciding to adopt such strict guidelines for the implementation of patrons of traditions.
Washington Diocese has some importance because it can boast among its followers of who is perhaps the most powerful man in the world, the President of the United States, Joe Biden. Despite being a professed Catholic, the preaching movement has promoted pro-abortion positions in recent years, which is why he has provoked a lively debate within the episcopal stars and stripes over whether or not to be granted the Eucharist. Cardinal Gregory, his parishioner, criticized Biden for supporting the agenda pro-choice Saying that the president does not give evidence of Catholic teachings. However, at the same time, he said before taking office that he would not deny it a company. A position that has earned him criticism for the lesser sectors liberal American Catholicism to which, in these hours, the restrictions on the celebrations of the so-called Tridentine Mass have been added.
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