In such an acronym as Dazn it is attached world of entertainmentMost of them are sports in nature. Well, the English brand of on-demand TV has been pleasing the spare time of many Italian sports fans for several years now, thanks to Unlimited viewing of matchesAnd tournaments and sporting events of all kinds.
Please note that Dazn is a group of companies Born in the UK in 2015 It owns a wide range of entertainment platforms distributed in 30 countries around the world. Entertainment by Dazn arrived in Italy in the summer of 2018, and since then many people have not stopped seeing this brand as a reference point to have a little fun. Relax in the name of fun and sharing.
Register on DAZN It’s as simple as it is convenient: we’ll meet Monthly fee 29.99 euros, not counting promotions intended for the most loyal customers of the TV platform. Dazn is also featured on the show Non-binding contractual terms For the customer: Anyone who wishes to cancel their subscription can do so at any time and without problems. The guide about to get started aims to provide the reader with useful advice on the steps to follow Ignore your subscription of matches and other sports content.
Suspend your DAZN subscription: here are the steps to take
The reasons for deciding to opt out can be varied. Inability to pay expensive wallet fees, dissatisfaction with the services provided, poor quality, etc. Whatever the reason for the question, the reader should know it Use can be suspended Entertainment with DAZN.
Well Dazn is a very flexible platform from a contractual point of view, so much so that a customer can decide to suspend their subscription and Reactivate it as you wish. For any doubt we always recommend Contact DAZN Customer Serviceso you can be sure of what you’re doing.
However, those interested in taking a break from the on-demand TV can do so by opening Preferably from a computeraccess the menu on the top right and log in to your account with your credentials.
Like any other platform, Dazn also allows you to Restore credentials if forgotten, then in a few minutes you can restore the data you need to log in. Once in the “My Account” section, the customer can immediately locate the “Subscribe” item e Click “Cancel Subscription”. So Automatic renewal is avoided From the subscription at the end of the month, the entertainment continues until the applicable service expires and the subscription can be reactivated after a pause.
Finishing with Final Effect: What you need to know
As mentioned earlier in the opening, Dazn is distinguished by its wide range of sports entertainment. and the A reference point for football fans, who can follow the developments and progress of their favorite team, but Dazn also offers entertainment based on motorcycles, tennis and many other international sports. Despite the advantages that distinguish the TV platform, few customers decide for a reason cancel your subscription.
The final termination of the signed subscription with Dazn essentially involves the same steps as the suspension, except that in this case the action has a long-term effect. its enough Go to the menu section located on the main page of the site, enter your credentials in the reserved personal area, called “My Account”, e Select the section dedicated to subscriptions. Once you have selected the service to be cancelled, you can proceed with the cancellation by clicking on the “Cancel Subscription” button.
Unlike other competing platforms, Dozen There is no obligation on the customer which issues a cancellation after the first 14 days of subscription activation. So it is possible to proceed with the cancellation at any time without incurring any penalty. The only duty of the customer, in the process of canceling the service, is to take the action before the expiry of the monthly payment, under pain of penalty Automatic subscription renewal and pay new fees.
Cancel a dozen by registered mail
As an alternative to electronic cancellation, the customer can via the form available on the Dazn website Back to some contacts To provide a formal contact. Those who feel safe with a more bureaucratic withdrawal method can choose to send to a sports entertainment company Registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.
Recorded letter is always confirmed as the safest and most effective tool when you want to show the desire to terminate the contract. Anyone interested in taking this action can refer to the following mailing address:
DAZN Limited, Piazza San Babila n.3, 20122 Milan (MI)
In the recorded letter, the reason for the cancellation decision can be clearly and completely stated. It is recommended to give more importance to bureaucratic communication Attach a copy of the ID card Valid and your tax code.
Cancel and report a problem via customer service
If a cancellation request according to the above methods is supposed to result in a evasive response from the company or if an unjustified fee is received, the customer does not need to panic. He already has it at his disposal Additional Communication Toolsto make it clear to the community that things are not going well at all.
In case of difficulty it is possible Return to Customer Service Department Available on the company’s website. After logging in to your personal page, “My Account”, the user can refer to “Guide” section, which specifically corresponds to the area designated for assistance. By accessing it, it is possible to select the item that is closest to the problem to be reported and receive useful tips for solving the difficulty.
If the predefined answers are not enough to solve the problem, you can refer to virtual chat. On the same page dedicated to customer service, you can easily identify the writing ‘Chat with us’: Clicking on it opens a message area where you can interact with a virtual launcher. We remind you that Dozen is also available for all customer needs On social networks like Instagram and Twitter.
If attempts to cancel prove to be unsuccessful, the reasons for not giving up will be explained shortly in this last paragraph of the guide. Despite the correct sending of the cancellation to Dazn, the customer may encounter some rather bad difficulties. complete to Fee receipt for the monthly fee, Pay trial period Totally free, receiving a bill calculated as a double user, are just some of the difficulties that can make the user uncomfortable.
In such cases and after attempting to contact Dazn in the manner described in the previous paragraphs, the customer can try to match. This is a practice that benefits from the help of a specialized body, such as, To receive monetary compensation for all the shortcomings and inconveniences suffered by him. Please remember that is the most An official body in the field of electronic communicationsSo, in case of difficulty, you can contact this organization.
The guide concludes by reminding the reader that at the cancellation stage it is very important to identify the reason that led to the decision to abandon the subscription. Report the reasonin fact, it is very important for purposes Improving the services provided From Dozen. Therefore, a detailed determination of difficulty, lack of quality or any other reason is a comment that the British company gladly welcomes. improve their display.