Home Economy Borsa Italiana, commentary on today’s session (March 17, 2021)

Borsa Italiana, commentary on today’s session (March 17, 2021)

Borsa Italiana, commentary on today's session (March 17, 2021)

At Piazza Avari, focus on securities from the banking sector, following an excellent performance in yesterday’s session. Also in the spotlight are Generali and Atlantia

Bag_milanoThe main indexes of the Italian stock exchange and the main European financial markets continue with the slightest changes They actually started the session with the fewest number of variations, Awaiting monetary policy indicators from the Federal Reserve.

At 10.50, the FTSEMib is at least 0.03% higher at 24,267 points All Share rose 0.01% to 26,418 points. Mid-sized firms declined (-0.13%) and Star (-0.25%).

The Bitcoin It is confirmed to be under $ 56,500 (just over € 47,000).

L ‘euro It stands at $ 1.19.

At Piazza Avari, focus on securities from the banking sectorAfter the excellent performances recorded the day before.

In the manual Pepper Bank (+ 1.21%). The institute released the final financial results for 2020 and formalized a dividend of € 0.04 per share.

In red color Crival (-0.72%). Crédit informed Agricole Italia that the European Central Bank and Bank of Italy have notified the mandates related to exceeding the 10% threshold in the Italian bank’s capital and the purchase of a direct controlling stake in the bank, as well as the purchase of indirect eligible equity investments in CreVal PiùFactor and Generalfinance as a result of the Creval takeover offer. Moreover, Credit Agricole informed Italy of the amendment of the agreement signed with Algebris, as part of the acquisition offer launched to the Italian bank.

Among other things on the rise Intesa San Paulo (+ 1,11%) e UniCredit (+ 0,5%).

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Uncertain direction for Public (+ 0.06%). According to what was written on Il Sole24Ore, the insurance giant is evaluating an exceptional operation in Russia with a value of nearly € 2 billion.

Continue very weak Atlantia (-0.46%). The Infrastructure Holding Board has taken note of advanced availability by the consortium consisting of CDP Equity, The Blackstone Group International Partners, and Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets Limited to extend the validity period of the binding offer until March 27, 2021, provided on February 24, 2021 to purchase the entire 88 stake % Owned by Autostrade per l’Italia (ASPI).

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