Billing: The authority estimates €2.4 billion for the 2022 bonus. Here’s how the discount works and who can request it

    Billing: The authority estimates €2.4 billion for the 2022 bonus. Here's how the discount works and who can request it

    Approximately €2.4 billion will be needed to cover the cost of energy and environmental social rewards awarded to economically disadvantaged families. The appreciation comes from the Energy, Networks and Environment Authority (Arera), which justifies the growth in spending earmarked to support the discount on the invoice with the activation of automatic recognition of those entitled to benefit.

    For 2022, according to figures released by the authority headed by Stefano Besegini, it is expected to spend 1.9 billion for the energy sector (of which one billion for electricity and 900 million for gas) and 480 million for the environment sector (of which 180 million for water and 300 million for waste). But how does the discount work, how much is it worth and who can order it? Here is a brief guide to the benefit.

    How to request a discount on your bill

    After moving to automatic reward, it is now sufficient to fill out an Individual Substitute Declaration (Dsu), for ISEE (Indicator of Equivalent Economic Situation) purposes to obtain a reduction in costs incurred for supplying electricity, gas and water.

    If the household unit falls within the criteria, INPS automatically sends the information to the Integrated Information System (SII), the database that contains information useful for determining the electricity, gas and water supply responsible for the area.

    Benefit requirements

    The requirements for benefiting from the benefit remained unchanged: the I See index does not exceed 8,265 euros; A family with at least 4 dependent children and an index not exceeding 20 thousand euros; Income holder or citizenship pension. In addition, a member of the Isee household must be the owner of an active electricity / gas / water supply for domestic use (or suspended due to arrears) or use an active central gas / water supply for domestic use.

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