Home Top News Biden relaunched Obamacare and opened money to NGOs that practice abortions outside...

Biden relaunched Obamacare and opened money to NGOs that practice abortions outside the United States

Biden relaunched Obamacare and opened money to NGOs that practice abortions outside the United States

New York – “The damage Trump is doing to the health sector, especially women’s health, must be fixed.” President of the United States Joe Biden He only said so, by signing two new executive orders for the fourth day in a row and one week after taking office. After the Buy American decree on Monday, those concerned with social justice on Tuesday and again on the climate on Wednesday, it’s about health. Starting with a promise made during the election campaign, Biden ordered the promotion of Medicaid, the health coverage of low-income Americans and thus the reopening of Obamacare registrations on the government website health.gov. Closed in November this year, and now reopened until May 15th.

“We are in the midst of a pandemic and we want to ensure that everyone who needs it gets the necessary health coverage,” the president said. On the other hand, it is a question very close to his heart after having experienced it himself, as he himself has said many times. In 2015, when he was still vice president, he was about to have to sell his home in Wilmington to pay for the treatment of his son Poe, who suffered from cancer and then passed away at the age of 46. I told Obama about the option to sell at dinner. He got up and told me: Don’t sell this house. I will give you money. But Boo left before that was necessary.

Today, however, Biden signed a second executive order that puts an end to the so-called “Mexico City Policy,” which is to prohibit NGOs from receiving public funds to practice terminating a pregnancy or providing information on abortion outside the United States. A law that Trump strongly supports. The act immediately received the Vice President’s applause Kamala Harris“In our country and around the world, many women are denied their right to choose in reproductive matters. Joe Biden wants to protect these rights,” he wrote on Twitter.

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