Beware of the apps you install | A new danger looms – a very dangerous Trojan horse

    nuovi virus android attenzione

    When it comes to downloading apps on your smartphone, always be careful what you download. In fact, some applications may contain viruses that are very dangerous for our devices and personal data.

    More than a dozen people have been identified on Android, which is very dangerous because it contains DawDropper malware. This special program is capable of infecting our devices with 4 viruses, so it is really harmful.

    PlayStore, what are the risks?

    Several teams dealing with cyber security They detected many malware, on the apps in the PlayStore. To be precise, it was found by an Italian company, Trend Micro, with registered office in Milan. The identified applications were immediately deleted, thanks to Google, from the digital store, but some users may have already downloaded them.

    These applications install malware called Dowdropperescaped scans because it does not directly act as a virus but takes care, once in the system, to install up to four different other programs.

    The viruses in question, once in the system, target users’ banking details. These, specifically, EctoAnd the hydraAnd the Thibaut And the ermac. Once the affected credentials are found, these four viruses send all information and access to the unsuspecting user’s data to the hacker who programmed it.

    How do banking Trojans work?

    The four viruses They’ve been around for yearsespecially Octo, which has been around since 2016. This, in particular, is a remote access banking Trojan, while Hydra is a newer virus, which hides its code and disables Play Protect.

    Moreover, the latter can Smartphone PIN is also stolenin addition to banking credentials, gives the hacker complete control over his device, giving him the ability to download other applications, and thus other viruses, and send messages to spread to his contacts.

    On the other hand, Ermac is very similar to another Trojan called Cerberus, while Teabot hides among other applications for Scan QR codes. For example, if you download Unicc QR ScannerIt is very likely that you have this virus on your device. Teabot also works like Hydra, regarding its functionality.

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