Home science Beware of GIFs on WhatsApp: the new viral message that scares everyone

Beware of GIFs on WhatsApp: the new viral message that scares everyone

Beware of GIFs on WhatsApp: the new viral message that scares everyone

Beware of GIFs on WhatsApp: the new viral message that scares everyone. It seems impossible to escape these warning messages. They return periodically, and may be sent to the family group or to a particularly silly aunt. And no matter how much they notice, they’re just a hoax: they’ll keep chasing everyone’s WhatsApp conversations.

This is another case of the viral message that is once again becoming popular on the very popular messaging app. new Trick Without a foundation which is being “sold” as announced by national newspapers and important television networks. Well this is fake news, however, and it is not completely unfounded.

Beware of GIFs on WhatsApp: the new viral message that scares everyone

The message in question warns to send “Good night and good morning with pictures” for a few days. Explain that because GIFs and photos are usually forwarded in various chats and to contacts of friends and relatives, bad guys can plant “viruses that coordinate your phone.” Understandably, the letter calls for caution by exploiting the risk of the problem. Then he clarified that it was also announced by Rai, Mediaset, La7, Sky and “other TV and Radio stations”. Then he calls, as usual, for maximum spread and affirms: “Written words only!”

Basically, the message does not say impossible things. ProiezionidiBorsa Editorial Board experts I have already dealt with the topic, Explaining that there is indeed a risk of being exposed to this type of malware.

Only, this time, the message is clearly a hoax: There was no advertisement, in fact, of any TV or radio network. The danger indicated in the letter is not perilous, but it is not catastrophic. It suffices to resort to some old, always healthy security principles: keep your smartphone’s OS and WhatsApp updated. In this way, the protocols that allow the software to protect the user’s personal data will be “updated” on an ongoing basis.

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