Because in Catalonia the most beloved statue in the crib is the defecation shepherd

    Because in Catalonia the most beloved statue in the crib is the defecation shepherd

    The country you go to, the bed you find. We are preparing for it all over the world Christmas celebration And also in Catalonia, according to tradition, statuettes are sold in the city markets for the preparation of “scenography”. The birth of JesusWarmed by the bull and the donkey, and Mary and Joseph on either side of him.

    Heir to “Caga Tio”

    But around the cave there is a world made of moss and of people who are sheep and shepherds. Exactly is One priest in particular He is one of the unavoidable characters in the Catalan nativity scenes. It comes with an extension “caganer”which you can guess from the name, with an extension traditional red ribbon On his head and underpants he “pastles” during defecation. A gesture of absolute naturalism, a part of everyday life captured with that realism celebrated by the Baroque, a style still in vogue in Spain between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, when the ‘caganer’ was thought to be presented in a family. And in Catalonia, after all, the character “Kaga Teo”a piece of wood taken by families one dayImmaculate Conception (and December 8th is the day the crib is made), and then kept him at home, where he was ‘fed’ with sweets and dried fruits until the day birthdaywhen he is finally called to give gifts and surprises to children.

    Spalletti ends up in the bed of San Gregorio Armeno

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    Spalletti ends up in the bed of San Gregorio Armeno

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