Home sport Basketball, the Italian national team with Down syndrome is the European champion

Basketball, the Italian national team with Down syndrome is the European champion

Basketball, the Italian national team with Down syndrome is the European champion

It is the team’s third success in a row after victories at the 2017 European Championships and the 2018 and 2019 World Championships.

The competition – The Suds Open Euro TriGames took place in Ferrara from October 5-10. Over 500 participants from 17 countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, France, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United States) competed in eight disciplines: Athletics, futsal, judo, swimming, synchronized swimming, basketball, tennis, table tennis. This event is promoted by Fisdir (Italian Paralympic Sports Federation of Relational Sports), SUDS (Union of Athletes with Down Syndrome), Italian Paralympic Committee, Emilia Romagna Region, Ferrara Municipality, Regional School Office and Ferrara University.

“Ferrara is preparing to receive the first edition of a major international event, which in numbers confirms its importance: about 350 athletes, more than 150 caregivers, doctors and staff, from 17 countries, and about a hundred trainees. An event that will bring prestige to Italy. I am glad that the sport, After the Paralympics, you will be back in the spotlight,” said the Minister of Disability Erica Stefani On the day of the presentation of the first edition of Euro Trigames regarding the competition.

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