# Right fix. Marco Camisani CalzulariTech savvy stripping news, is launching a new hashtag that will interest all those who, and there are many, have a broken technological device. Since many have already tried it on their skin, especially their pockets, it is often better to buy a new device, tablet, laptop or smartphone, than to repair the old, damaged one, even if it is only for one part.

Kamisani Kalzolari explains in the latest episode of the Canale 5 parody that he founded and directed Antonio Ricci. “Once everything is fixed. If your screen breaks today, it is very difficult to fix, and a repair estimate is almost the equivalent of buying a new screen. smart phone And breaks screenIf you try to fix it outside the official channels too often or too often the “response” functions like face recognition stop or the phone no longer works live. This is because some parts have a unique serial number associated with each individual part.”
The Right to Repair Broken Tablets and Cell Phones: Watch the Striscia la Notizia video

In the US from 2022 it will be possible to order individual parts from the parent company and have them repaired on their own. A revolution is also expected in Europe and Italy. To put an end to this problem, the European Union has imposed on my producers Washing machines, refrigerators and TV screens To respect the right to fairness. “Unfortunately, however – explains Camisani Kalzolari – European regulations exclude laptops from the law, and they are the most frequently violated devices.” Hence the new hashtag launched, because “making yourself heard seems to work”.

“Explorer. Devoted travel specialist. Web expert. Organizer. Social media geek. Coffee enthusiast. Extreme troublemaker. Food trailblazer. Total bacon buff.”