Baber Ragusa, shareholders’ package 60 million Ragusa


    Ragusa – Banca Agricola Popolare Ragusa has launched a capital plan aimed at providing diversified responses to shareholders through a distribution of €60 million and, immediately after, an industrial plan to relaunch the institute from a commercial standpoint, focusing on efficiency, innovation and sustainability.

    Indeed, on Thursday, the Bapr Ragusa Board of Directors approved a detailed financial process that envisages three contextual actions: buy back On the shares, a voluntary and partial purchase offer and an extraordinary dividend for three years.

    operation, called lymphSaverio Continella, who has studied with consultants Rothschild & Co and Bird & Bird Italy, said Saverio Continella “will meet as many different needs as possible for the Bank’s shareholders. lump sum directed in favor of reorganizing the stock base. We want to definitively end a season of limited misunderstanding and come back strong to being the ultimate hub for all Stakeholders“.

    15 million incoming buy back For shareholders who request to leave the shareholding structure of Banca Agricola Popolare di Ragusa. From the Board of Directors the green light for additional coupons worth 30 million to be distributed in 3 years. Today, the bank has about 30,000 shareholders. The entire plan will be presented to the shareholders’ meeting scheduled for April 30th. In the second half of July, it was buy back, and immediately after the takeover offer, which must be authorized by the Consob. After all this, normal and abnormal earnings are expected to separate in October.

    The plan will be clarified on Wednesday, April 13th at a press conference in Ragusa.

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