Home Top News Australia, Federal Police: “There is no criminal behavior in Vatican payments.”

Australia, Federal Police: “There is no criminal behavior in Vatican payments.”

Australia, Federal Police:

Vatican City. No offense in transport from Oltretevere to Kangaroo Land. It is the result of an investigation by the Australian Federal Police. The Australian Federal Police (AFP), in a note re-launched by Vatican News, announced that it “has completed the analysis of financial information provided by Australac regarding payments from the Vatican to Australia. So far no criminal behavior has been identified”.

On January 13, the Australian Transaction Reporting and Analysis Center, an Australian financial supervisory body, released a statement on The Australian website admitting that it overestimated the flow of remittances between the Vatican and Australia. It was Ostrac precisely, in the last months of 2020, that reported that in the past six years, funds equivalent to 1.4 billion euros (2.3 billion Australian dollars) were sent to Australia, for a total of nearly 47,000 individual transfers. Attached to the Vatican Gate is an enormous figure, which immediately appeared unreal, in terms of the amount of money and the number of operations, because it completely contradicted the movements of the Holy See. In the press release released in recent days, Ostrac corrected those estimates heavily by saying that it was not 1.4 billion euros with 47,000 financial transactions in the past six years, but 6 million euros compared to 362 deals. The Holy See reported that the real figure “is attributable, among other things, to certain contractual obligations and the normal management of its resources”. Now the Australian Federal Police says it has not demonstrated any criminal behavior from transaction analysis.

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