Home Economy Arrival of car tax, new exemptions and refunds: who are the beneficiaries

Arrival of car tax, new exemptions and refunds: who are the beneficiaries

Arrival of car tax, new exemptions and refunds: who are the beneficiaries

New exemptions and sums are on the way for some drivers. Draghi cancels paying car tax, let’s get acquainted with the categories involved.

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Citizens always responded with some annoyance car tax since before the pandemic. With the spread of Covid and the economic crisis that followed causing many workers and families to kneel, hatred towards the car tax grew. The government, conscious of the increasing difficulties in paying the tax, has included among Measures to support specific groups People are involved in the car tax. Let’s see who will be able to take advantage of the new waivers and who will get the refund.

Refunds and new exemptions for those who do not have to pay car tax

Italian regions have implemented support measures aimed at facilitating payments to citizens in economic hardship. Therefore, some military councils have Car tax payment has been extended By moving the expiration date and activating it Specific exemptions to avoid different categories of taxpayers.

Who is late in payment? He will not have to pay any fine Nor administrative. In addition, the Lombardy region has prepared Refunds For motorists who have paid car tax in 2020 and who are doing a job that requires the use of the car.

New categories are exempt from payment

The interesting new exemption from paying car tax has starred in the motorists who have been there In case of debt with the government. Draghi offers them financial peace With the final cancellation of tax invoices with reference to a specific time period.

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Thus, hundreds of thousands of citizens will be able to avoid paying the expired car tax and debts will be cancelled. The volumes that will disappear to the delight of many motorists are those released between On January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2010. The only condition is that the maximum amount of cards should be less than 5 thousand euros.

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How to benefit from financial peace

Starting at the end of August 20, Revenue Agency activated controls To prepare a list of motorists who, between 2000 and 2010, failed to pay car tax. Therefore, the citizen will not have a role. It will be the tax holder who will decide which file to cancel and notify the territorial jurisdiction.

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