The Cyber Guy Kurt Knutsson with takeaway from Apple’s latest event.
“Fashion models, “A four-part documentary series that reviews celebrity careers Fashion models, Was ordered in an Apple.
You will study the series effects Naomi CampbellAnd the Cindy CrawfordAnd the Linda Evangelista And the Christy Turlington On the fashion scene and will feature interviews with all four stars of the runway, according to A. Press release From the company.
The series would start by looking back at their early careers in the 1980s when they found success beyond just the modeling industry.
In addition, the show will follow some of their current work in activism, philanthropy, and more, as well as how they paved the way for the models in the decades following their success.
Giseline Maxwell, Campbell Naomi was called by EPSTEIN ACCUSER
Cindy Crawford (left) and Naomi Campbell (right) will be Apple “supermodels” subjects. (Photo by Venturelli / Getty Images)
Brian Grazer W. Ron Howard The CEO will be produced alongside Sarah Bernstein, Justin Wilkes, and the four supermodels starring in the document.
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“I’ve always been interested in the true story behind the ‘original supermodels’ – the four iconic women who not only defined the fashion world in the 1990s but also paved the way for how beauty turned into an access point to defining culture,” Grazer wrote in a post on Instagram Tuesday. “realronhoward and I feel proud to tell an unprecedented story of naomi, cindycrawfordcturlington, and lindaevangelista – and how they became cultural icons, change activists and role models for millions around the world.”
Linda Evangelista and Christy Turlington will also appear in the documentary series, which will trace the career path of the four icons. (Getty Images)
The producer also confirmed in his message that the series had reached Apple, and he revealed that Oscar-winning Director Barbara Koppel will also participate.
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Apple TV + representatives did not immediately respond to Fox Business’ request for comment.