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Always perfect and organized hair even on the beach with these handy and quick tricks for all lengths

Always perfect and organized hair even on the beach with these handy and quick tricks for all lengths

Soaring temperatures, warm spring days, and ever-drawing summers bring us back to a well-deserved vacation. The ProiezionidiBorsa Team who cares about the needs of those who want to always feel ordered, even on vacation, today shows how to do just that. In fact, if we can’t see each other with hair falling out in the wind and in a slightly wild style, there are so many ways to sort it out even on the beach. Here’s how to always have perfect, neat hair even at the beach with these quick and practical tricks, for all lengths.

Very important thing to know, just like it We protect the skin from the sun’s raysIt is essential to protect the hair as well. If we don’t want to find ourselves in September with dry hair and sunburn. So, before exposing ourselves to the sun, let’s get products that are suitable not only for protecting the skin but also for protecting the hair.

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Always perfect and organized hair even on the beach with these handy and quick tricks for all lengths

To get hair that is not only protected, but also neat, you can use a mask or a protective oil on the hair. The spray or mask applied to wet hair will leave a moisturizing effect on our hair, making it receding. This way they will be sturdy, tidy and protected.

Another remedy is to make a bun, which is not too tight in order not to over-strain the hair. Remember that salt and sun make hair more dry, so it can break easily.

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The knot can be raised for those with long hair, or at the back of the neck for all lengths.

Or, you can choose a headband or a hair band. We can match the hair tie with the color or style of the costume, sarong or beach bag, and be glamorous and tidy too.


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