Home entertainment Against the stress of lockdown, anger chambers are emptied of residents

Against the stress of lockdown, anger chambers are emptied of residents

Against the stress of lockdown, anger chambers are emptied of residents


The average age of ministers rises to 54. Scandinavian-style team

AGI – The average age of executives is rising compared to the two previous governments led by Conte: 54 compared to 47 and 48 former CEOs. The government team led by Mario Draghi is a northern “cute”: 18 out of 24. Mario Draghi, 73, is the oldest, and the youngest is Luigi Di Maio, 34. Still in the thirties, also pentastellata Fabiana Daddon. Then there’s the 42-year-old Roberto Speranza. The ministers come mainly from the northern regions: the overwhelming presence of ministers from northern Italy. They are 18 out of 24 (equal to 75%) including the Deputy Prime Minister. Several Lombard ministers (Cartabia, Singolani, Colau, Garavaglia, Gelmeni, Giorgetti, Guerini, Mesa, Bonetti) Also in the northern regions are Dario Franceschini (Emilian), Andrea Orlando (Ligurian) and Federico de Inca (Belluno). The center is represented by Prime Minister Draghi himself and Minister Giovanini. They are from Southern Lamorgese and Speranza (both are Lucian); Carvana and Di Maio (from Campania), Undersecretary Singolani (from Taranto). The government team, led by Mario Draghi, consists of 23 ministers. 15 are the circles led by politicians, chosen from among the majority forces supporting the executive (Pd, M5s, Leu, Iv, Forza Italia, Lega), 8 they are instead “technicians”. There are 8 women and 15 men. The “weight” of the parties is distributed among the political forces in proportion to the numbers in Parliament. Parties’ “quotas”: 4 ministers in M5s, 3 in Pd, 3 in Lega, and 3 in Forza Italia; 1 each for Leu and IV. Eight women: Marta Cartabia (Judge); Luciana Lamorgese (internal); Maristella Gelmini (autonomy); Mara Karvijna (southern and cohesion); Fabiana Dadon (Youth Politics); Elena Bonetti (equal opportunity); Erika Stephanie (ADHD); Christina Mesa (University). Nine Affirmations: Luciana Lamorgues for Home Office. Luigi Di Maio to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Fedrico D’Incà to the Ministry for Relations with Parliament; Elena Bonetti from the Ministry of Equal Opportunities. Roberto Speranza at the Ministry of Health; Stefano Patanelli, who moved from economic development to agriculture; Dario Franceschini at the Ministry of Culture. Fabiana Dadon, who moves from the Public Administration to the Ministry of Youth Policy. Lorenzo Guerrini to the Ministry of Defense. More political than technical: There are a total of 15 political ministers (Franceschini, Orlando, Guerini; Bonetti; Di Maio, Patuanelli, D’Incà, Dadone; Speranza; Stefani, Giorgetti, Garavaglia; Gelmini, Brunetta, Carfagna). There are 8 technicians leading the Ministries of Justice (Cordoba), the Interior (La Morguezzi), Technological Innovation (Colau), Economy (Franco), Environmental Transformation (Singolani), Transport (Giovanini), Education (Bianchi) and the University (MAS). ).

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