Abandoned industrial areas: After reclamation, they can be converted into public parks

    Abandoned industrial areas: After reclamation, they can be converted into public parks

    Who knows if the former industrial area italsider From Bagnoli You will become one of the leading companies in our country. a little like Jazz Works D Seattle Park, the first historical example of Job Recycling of Abandoned Industrial Site, returned to public use without erasing the memory of what it once was: a part of the country’s industrial history. The Seattle plant, which operated in a continuous cycle for fifty years until 1956, is the only coal gasification plant left intact in the United States and was in National Register of Historic Places. Nothing is lost, everything changes: in the area of ​​the former industrial site, today A public park and a place for cultural and sports activitiesNature has regained the upper hand but coexists with old structures and industrial machinery. However, it is not without one profound action Land reclamation work, in particular from hydrocarbon pollution.

    The future of panoli is called neolis

    Also the future of nearly 250 hectares of the former Italsider from Bagnoli It could soon be distinguished by a functional recycling project: Balneolis, presented by a group of 12 topics and the winner of the international ideas competition it promoted Invitalia To undo the big knot to redevelop the giant steel plant area. Finally, for that streak of lunar Earth, thick with heavy metals and more, it may be time for the long wait. Cooling and soothing. “The deadline for clean-up operations is set in 2023,” he said. Claudio Colinviti, Invitalia Project ManagerOn the occasion of the presentation of the winning project last May. “In terms of urban renewal, so new investments and new buildings – he added – at the end of 2025 we can finish the new Bagnoli structure.” Design Bagnoli Tomorrow imagined style back to the primal calling Campania Felix. From Posillipo the project is divided into three different areas – natural park, the productive forest and the urban park, with a liberated waterfront – with the aim of returning to the neighbourhood, victim of pollution, a natural heritage lost over the centuries. The Via Coroglio becomes the connection between the park and the sea, and was designed as a pedestrianized bicycle street, while the former Italsider factory became Wellness Factory Where sporting activities will be held. On the other hand, the area to the southeast of the park is used for a variety of services: tourism, sports and culture, with new science center which will merge Science City.

    From China to Germany it is being rehabilitated through memory enhancement

    There is, too China Where possible, it has replaced the memory of places and industrial history. As for the shipyard in the city Zhongshan, in the province of Guangdong, which has supported industrialization in the country for 50 years and since 2002 has been transformed into an amusement park and recreational place, in which the identity of the area and some structures have been preserved. Through the reclamation, restoration and protection of the original vegetation, as well as the reuse of sidewalks for commercial activities.

    But to understand how many retraining that goes back and does not cancel is now one of the most interesting and far-sighted keys to interpreting the future of cities and territories, without going too far and in reference to a completely different history and memory, just think of a historian’s reconversion Berlin AirportAnd Tempelhof, one of the largest European airports in the 1930s, and closed in 2008. The airport facilities have been preserved, the land re-naturalized, and today, with an area of ​​386 hectares, it is not only the largest and most active park in the German capital, but one of the largest urban parks in The world, the largest of New York’s Central Park. while in ItaliaOne of the most successful projects to transform an industrial area into a public park is definitely Dora’s Garden a Turin, whose achievement has included great names in architecture, urban planning and landscape protection. The park covers nearly 456 thousand square meters in an area Spina 3, where until the nineties there were production factories Fiat Based on Michelin It is divided into five plots bearing the name of the production plants that used to occupy these areas in the past: VitalyAnd swallowAnd ValdocoAnd Michelin e Mortara. merging green spaces, paths, bicycle and pedestrian paths into a single fabric, Industrial monuments, Sports and artistic activities areas is the basic idea of ​​the project. Thanks to the renormalization in large areas, Dora’s Garden It has become one of the city’s largest green areas, a kingdom of sports and leisure amid towers, frescoes and graffiti where the small and great stories of yesteryear and today coexist.

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