A trip to Aviano, USA small in Friuli, where you listen to the F16 to understand how things are going in Kyiv

    A trip to Aviano, USA small in Friuli, where you listen to the F16 to understand how things are going in Kyiv

    Things in Ukraine were going badly, the waitress at the sports bar on the Duomo understood that “from the thickening of the aids”. They are the American F16s taking off, the 31st Squadron, practicing or going who-knows-where, “and they’ve been increasingly active for weeks.” To the mayor Ilario de Marco A certain concern came to him about the acceleration of accidents in Kyiv when he saw requests for accommodation reservations by the American command for the base increasing at an unusual pace:Sign of the arrival of many soldiers”. How much exactly? Hard to say, because the number is variable and reserved anyway. “About five thousand. Not like in the days of Iraq, but it’s still high.” On the other hand, Elisabetta caught the growing tension in the excitement of the mothers of her students. “Many of their husbands have been to Poland and Latvia for a few weeks, so they always come to pick up the kids.” Elisabetta is 29, and has been working at an American kindergarten since 2018. The alert level at the airport may still be low (the “Bravo” level, not so much), but there are certain fears, certain hints, that she has learned to understand.

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