Home entertainment A sandwich, a beer and … here’s what you see on TV...

A sandwich, a beer and … here’s what you see on TV (and what to avoid)

A sandwich, a beer and ... here's what you see on TV (and what to avoid)

At this second turning point, memories rise. Those Basket To smadonnare on the state road, back from the sea, The smell of cookie With residue of baked oily attached to the edges, the saliva cleared of wine a little per liter has, in our imaginations, turned into moments of brilliant glory.

We are now here to watch spring that welcomes us with its little hand from afar, from terraces far less discreet and angry than they were a year ago, and then it’s best to count on the sofa, which never betrays, and on something that can be seen on the TV screen that fills the room. Great afternoon (or almost) without the scent of embers in your hair.

Two Oscar-winning films

“White Tiger”, In nomination for the Oscars 2021 in the “Best Non-Original Text” category can be found on Netflix. Set in India, the film tells the rise of a very poor boy who has managed to become the driver (and servant) of a very important family. The film is written and directed by Ramin Bahrani (Fahrenet 451). The plot is interesting and the Indian setting (including the music) has its charm, and an extra boost might be missing, especially in the bullet-loaded end that doesn’t explode as much as possible. If you like “parasite” you will like it.

“There is a Chicago tackle 7”. Aaron Sorkin tells Netflix the farce of the investigation trial that brought 8 boys into the bar, all accused of being the instigators. Bloody riots in Chicago of 1968. The film received 2021 Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture, and is beautifully written. The story is staggered and hits like a punch in the stomach. Looking at him, the memory turns to Diaz’s case. Move tables and cups, you will be hurt to death.

To fool the mind

With “I’m thinking of ending it here.” We are in the wise parts of Lynch, strewn with shrapnel of insanity for Charlie Kaufman, the former screenwriter for “Being John Malkovich” and “If You Leave Me I’ll Erase You.” The work is taken from the first novel by Canadian writer Ian Reed (Rizzoli), which has already become a cult. The story, filled with irony and irregular heartbeat, is a continuous time jump between what it is, what was and what would have been, and it pushes us into our subconscious mind’s most hidden recesses and there we play chess with our minds. In short, getting lost in Kaufman’s maze is an unavoidable madness. It should not be avoided. An appointment on Netflix.

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For every serial addict

The best is yet to come this season. Recoveries are a must while awaiting a new outbreak The Handmaid’s Tale (April 29th at TimVision), “Succession” (In the coming months, there is no specific date yet), ‘Billions’. Meanwhile, it is not to be missed Your Excellency (sky), ‘Terrorism’ (But only season 1, on Amazon Video) e “non-believer” (Nephelex). If you like surrealism on Amazon there is a very precious pearl: “Tales from the Episode”, A dreamlike painting, beautifully tinged with unrealistic and brutal constructions. Crazy ‘dark’ fans, addicted to dystopian science fiction, fans of vintage (and underexposure) photography, and nostalgia for Gondrey’s ‘dream art’ will love it.

Apocalypse according to the parents

Fathers, Sons, and Around the Fallen World. Directing yourself into the post-apocalyptic genre isn’t easy, junk is always around the corner so here it is Three tips To go without fail, move on and (in one case) be surprised.

Let’s start from “The Road” (On Amazon), based on Cormac McCarthy’s masterpiece. A father and son survived a disaster that turned the world into a hostile place, choked by an endless winter. They cross the United States in an attempt to escape the grip of frost, hunger, and brutal humanity, pulling a rusty chariot full of rags. In the cast of Viggo Mortenses, which gives us an adorable character of a father who is desperately in love with his son, in front of the camera is John Hillcoat (former director of “Black Mirror”). The shots were captured in places that were really devastated by Hurricane Katrina. shudder.

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in a “light of my life” Casey Affleck directs and accomplishes a role that’s designed perfectly for his always understated, understated style. Casey (and in the movie “Manchester by the sea” that clearly showed it) has this extraordinary ability to cut you in two without moving a muscle. In this movie, he is a father who tries to protect his daughter Raj from a devastated world where women face extinction. To be seen with a Kleenex box nearby.

This is the surprise. Sir Arnold Schwarzenegger becomes a gentle father in this post-apocalyptic movie “intended” (Introduced on the popular Tribeca in 2015). In a world where the virus is turning humans into zombies, a father tries to stay close to his daughter, in the best possible way, trying to protect her from people and herself. Arnold, who has given us years of pure entertainment, we love it regardless, but after this movie, they want it more.

To relieve

For those who just can’t stand it anymore, they love the surreal, the grotesque, and have good baggage of comedy (and good miles of horror) that they can’t miss: “What do we do in the shadows?”. The style of the movie (Son of Sundance, this is what it shows) is a fake (fictitious) documentary filmed in a house where a group of vampires live in the air of college students outside of school. Be careful not to miss the little jokes, the ones that bounce off almost softly, are the cutest. You can find it in Programming on Sky.

In the same context, but in the version TV series, Niche product, so that it has no end, or rather is halfway there. During filming, the production suddenly realized they didn’t have more money to close the story cycle, so be prepared to stay a little hooked. Why in the United States they decided to cut the legs of this pearl is a mystery. Let’s talk about “The last human being on earth”. We were laughing a lot. There is a lot of stupidity. And they are all very good just a note: in the end you will miss it.

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Serial to avoid!

And here we are with the chain to avoid like the plague.

Podium for “I wish Dee died first.”. Suspended between farce and super farce, intertwined by a gentle aquetta who emits a very crafty process that failed too badly, the series on Francesco Totti is the classic hype with one last blow as it distorts the record of sarcasm into 100% pure irony. This series is an expired by-product even before it gets packaged, no art or part, no color, not even interesting, which does nothing but poke fun at the protagonist himself. In the end one thinks: But they have already done a series about a man who is still young, handsome, with a beautiful wife, young, handsome, with wonderful children, who has millions of euros in cash, and he is always on TV, who writes books, Who is the famous, the lover, Who retired the day before yesterday, the only drama that is a drama is a trainer with a poisoned tooth bothering him? where is the problem? Why do I look at it?

Side note: To keep track of everything, if you really like it, I recommend activating translation because not only does Pietro Castelletto grumble like a prayer beads rosary, but does so in strict Romanian, at most just turn off the sound, it’s the same.

The second insight that can be safely removed from the list is “What happened to Sarah?”. Although the Mexican series ranks high on the Netflix chart, and despite its second season renewal, this crime has more holes in it than Swiss cheese. The story just doesn’t hold up, as it looks pretty weak in the engine area of ​​the plot. Overall, it appears to be an outstanding team with ambitions to win the Italian Serie A championship.

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