Home entertainment “A far cry from a future without masks.”

“A far cry from a future without masks.”


For the University of Oxford, despite the advancement of the vaccination campaign, we are still very far from the future without masks and spaces.

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The Great Britain is fortifiedWith the first dose, at least, 53.4 million people, which led to the elimination of the number of deaths as well as the reduction of the number of injured significantly. Therefore, from Monday May 17, it will be possible in the UK once again to host people at home, up to 6 people or two families, in addition to internal service in restaurants, bars, hotels, cinemas and other public places for entertainment and sports and is allowed to receive up to 30 guests For funerals and weddings. The ability to travel within the country and receive guests to sleep has also returned.

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However, the professor also warned Andrew Pollard, Chair of the Working Group at the University of Oxford, “There will be a future without social distancing and without more masks but with a global perspective, We are still far away“.

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Therefore, the Masks and respecting the spacing would be just a bad memoryHowever, given the prevalence of variants, with the Indian species detected in the sequences uploaded to the Gisaid database “from 44 countries in all six WHO regions”, the road to return to full normality before the Covid epidemic is still very long: “In the UK we have had a lot of success thanks to the vaccination program and this possibility is close to, but compared to the global situation The road is too longProfessor Pollard warned.

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Also on the same wavelength is the Secretary of the Scientific Technical Committee, Fabio Siciliano That we can spend ‘quieter vacations’ this summer butPrecautions must be continuedWith masks, as he repeated in the interview with “Il Messaggero”, which will be essential for the whole of 2021. So, the moment we can say goodbye to masks is not imminent, it will only be possible to do so once we reach herd immunity which, according to experts, should happen in the fall. Until the majority of the population is vaccinated, We will have to live with the rules of divergence and not give up masksSpecified, in the interview with “La Stampa”, the official spokesperson for the Scientific Technical Committee, Silvio Prosavero.

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