The advent of summer makes you feel fit and slim, some tips to do that by eating healthy and staying healthy.
warm season and summer arrival, They also carry Good diet plans To get back in shape, eat better and exercise outdoors, for Feeling better and more comfortable than the winter hibernation period. We often find ourselves at the end of the coldest season Put yourself a few extra pounds on the scalea little weaker and the desire to feel good about yourself abound.
clearly All diet, weight loss and nutritional education courses should always be conducted after careful medical examinations and with the support of counseling and the assistance of a dietitian Who will recommend the most suitable and personalized plan and maybe with the addition of physical activity it will be really easy to get back in shape.
However, many, at the gates of summer and the shower season are looking forward to it Get rid of those extra pounds, it’s not complicated, lose some weight, let’s gain 5 kilos, always in a healthy and disciplined manner, Taking all the calories and nutrients needed for the proper functioning of the body. It takes some time and a lot of willpower.
The perfect Mediterranean diet for losing a few pounds
It really doesn’t take much, first of all Start moving morenow also outdoors, using the car less often than the bike s walks, which is always very useful. and then, We are in a country with the best food and the best culinary traditions in the world, just follow the rules of the Mediterranean dietTo eat properly and healthily.
In fact, the Mediterranean diet is based on heavy use of Vegetables, which should represent the most abundant part of the dish, and fruitAnd Cereals and carbohydrates in the right quantities, Moderate consumption of white meat and oily fisheven in small quantities Dairy products and its derivatives Even the smallest doses of red meat.
Nutrition advice
the doctor Nutritional biologist Maria Rosaria Balde She stated that she supports this type of diet, which is very rich and effective in maintaining weight and feeling fit. also From the point of view of the slimming process, the doctor said that the Mediterranean diet is particularly suitable. Also suggested Some tips to lose some extra weight, and not to lose sight of your health.
first rule No restrictive or nutrient-deficient menus and foods. Point two Choose more healthy and filling foodswhich have properties on the functioning of the organism, healthier, for example yogurt or kefir, cereals with a low glycemic index, fruits with less sugar, Like good fatsOlive oil and protein righteous like eggsBlue fish and white meat. Avoid processed foods, hot dogs, soft drinks, and lots of sweets.
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