Home World A blessing that we have not heard before in the place where...

A blessing that we have not heard before in the place where the Virgin Mary appeared


A powerful blessing prayer, offered by the bishop of an important Italian diocese, in a Marian place famous throughout the world, with a request for special protection.

A special place, where Saint Mary meets her children every day, and all those, especially the sick, come to her with pleading hands.

Monsignor Delbini Lord
Monsignor Delpini a Lourdes – Image web resource

The power of grace

The Rosary is recited at Mary’s feet in one of the most sacred and spectacular places in the history of Christianity. Lourdes, a Marianne region that since 1854 has received pilgrims and Where the Virgin Mary bestows bodily and spiritual blessingsIt has always been a destination for pilgrimage, even for entire dioceses led by their pastors.

One of these is the diocese of Milan led by Monsignor Mario DelbiniHe recited the Holy Rosary in the Cave of Mesabiel. At the end of the prayer, the bishop gave a special blessing, especially in certain aspects: “I bless you troubled, sick in body and spirit: be persistent in hope and be a blessing to those who meet you. I bless you doctors, nurses and volunteers: you who dedicate yourselves to serving the sick and the troubled. Be patient and bless those who meet you – The Archbishop calls.

Monsignor Delbini’s special blessing continues:I bless you who are far away, be the salt of the earth and the light of the world […] Be a blessing to those who meet youA phrase that the bishop repeats several times and should not resonate as a repetition, on the contrary, but as a kind of “push” to do better and better, to follow Christ more and more in the path that he himself follows for each of us.

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What does it mean to bless?

“Blessing in grace” we can define it. But what does that mean?to bless”? Baraka is the invocation of God’s grace and bounty on a person or thing, it is the invocation of goodness. It is a prayer of protection that God’s grace may descend upon the person for whom you have been called.

It is God who blesses, even when the blessing is proclaimed by people, it must be borne in mind that it is still a divine blessing. God uses men to immerse himself in his blessing.

How many blessings are there?

The Catholic religion has three different types of blessings:

  • Eucharist, which is carried out with the body of Christ preserved in the beasts, with which the priest makes the sign of the cross on the faithful present;
  • That Urbi and Orbigiven by the Pope at Christmas and Easter;
  • Galilee, at the end of the most important Eucharistic celebrations of this year.

Praying the Rosary: ​​The Greatest Blessing

Prayerespecially the rosary, as mentioned in the supplication to Our Lady of Pompeii, This “connects us with God”, Which brings us closer to him and the Virgin. Because by following this teaching, we can truly be “a blessing to those who meet us.”

Our Lady of Medjugorje said: “If I knew what a blessing is, the churches would be full.” The most important thing When we ask for a blessing, it is to fully accept it in our heartsA free heart, ready to welcome and embrace God’s love.

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For the blessing makes us feel one with Him, as if we were one with Christ. Thus we will also be “a blessing to those who meet us.”

Read also: What is the effect of grace? This is why it is so important

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