Netflix News, “Profile Transfer” function has started without losing history

    Netflix News,

    The large number of users Netflixa company engaged in the distribution of movies, TV series and other paid entertainment content on the Internet, has the potential Transfer your profile to a new account Without losing settings, personal recommendations, games and above all history.

    The new feature, which was launched after a testing period worked on by the creators of Netflix, is primarily made of Facing the widespread phenomenon of password sharing between users and of course for Encourage activation of new profiles.

    According to the latest estimates, in fact, The total number of Netflix subscribers will decrease For the first time since the beginning of 2022. At the moment they will be able to access the platform through joint accounts About 100 million families.

    The broadcasting giant has announce Also access, from next November Subscribe to advertising. Base with Advertising is the new cheapest subscription plan (5.49 euros per month In Italy, available from November 3rd) which will include for the first time iAd pauses for 15-30 seconds An average of 4-5 minutes per hour.

    Altogether, the plan will be launched in twelve countries (Australia, Brazil, Canada, Korea, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Spain, the United States and Italia) It will not include any changes to other forms of subscription. A ‘Rule with Ad’ will be added to those already present “Basic”, “Standard” and “Premium”, Ad-free.

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