Home science 50-year-olds should not ignore this procedure before bed

50-year-olds should not ignore this procedure before bed

50-year-olds should not ignore this procedure before bed

Those 50 years old should not ignore this bedtime measure, but in fact even if you are younger, it is better not to ignore it. This procedure will really take a few minutes of our time, but it is really worth it, because over time there will be huge benefits. And who does not want benefits in his life? So let’s see right away what we’re talking about.

50-year-olds should not ignore this procedure before bed

So we’re talking about our beloved back. Over time, the back begins to suffer from the first aches. These factors can be given by many factors, the most common at the moment is the wrong attitude that is taken during smart work. Because not everyone in the house has a suitable chair and desk at the right height.


But no matter smart work It is important to take care of your back after a certain age. One way to do this is definitely to do physical activity, because you need to strengthen the muscles of the body. Another way is to stretch. Tightening your muscles is really necessary after exercise and before bed.

Before going to sleep

It is very important to stretch your back and legs. This way our body will always remain flexible. The exercise to do is only one and it is also very simple. You need to lift your legs high and lean them against the wall. The back should be firmly fixed to the floor and try to form a right angle. Then the legs are well extended, sit leaning against the wall and the back straight on the floor. Now what needs to be done is some deep breaths. Hold the position for a few minutes and then go to sleep.

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