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3 Strategies to Overcome Ringing Anxiety and Fear Even If You Have Claustrophobia


You may need to have an MRI throughout your life. For those who don’t know it yet, it is a diagnostic test that provides detailed images of the human body through the use of magnetic fields. He said like this, it doesn’t scare you at all. In fact, it is not an invasive or painful examination that requires some form of sedation, even mild.

Because then it frightens even those who don’t suffer from it claustrophobia? The test is performed while lying on a narrow bed that is placed on a machine that has been turned on once causing the body to slide into a huge “tube”.


One must remain still and the other alone. When the test begins, you will hear less annoying sounds. The whole thing can last from 15 to 20 minutes.

Why do we fear?

Even those who normally tolerate enclosed spaces often leave themselves affected by machines and sounds, and eventually feel lonely and anxious. Because let’s face it, if we’re having a medical exam, regardless of the nature of the disease and possible diagnosis, there’s always a concern and it’s normal.

First of all, don’t be shy about admitting to the doctor that you’re nervous. During the exam, you can talk to him and interrupt him at any time. So we are sure that our well-being and health are always guaranteed and monitored.

3 Strategies to Overcome Ringing Anxiety and Fear Even If You Have Claustrophobia

Had to stand still the whole time, there are very few relaxation techniques تقنيات We can put it into practice and it’s all about imagination exercises. It’s about distracting and isolating our mind from context as much as possible. Let’s see in detail how to do this.

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Christmas lunch show

If we usually host relatives for holidays. We’ll just have to mentally plan what we can cook for that occasion. Everything must be visualized to the smallest detail. From equipment to arranging guests at the table, dishes and preparation times. If we do the exercise correctly, we may still be in for an appetizer when the exam is over!

List of birthday gifts to celebrate in the coming months

As above, start picking out the next birthday and one by one to plan out the spending budget, gift and even what to write on the birthday card;

We are fantasizing about the upcoming holidays

Whether it’s winter or summer, even here as you can imagine, you have to commit to imagining your perfect vacation. Day after day, favorite activities and relaxation. The noise of the machine will be the background of the helicopter that will make us take a panoramic tour of the wonderful bay of dreams in which we are staying.

These are the three strategies for overcoming ringing anxiety and fear even if you have claustrophobia and for completing the exam more relaxed and happy.


Heart, lungs and anxiety are under control thanks to the smart shirt that scans

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings of this article, which can be referenced Who is the”)

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